Happy Monday!
I know, I know what's to be happy about with no more quiltlets, is probably what you're wondering. Well, as a sort of olive branch offering, I have another giveaway for you. You're welcome. ;)
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Ok. Do you remember what it was on Etsy that you had to have so badly that you became a member just so you could buy it?
I do.
It was this adorable set of pin toppers - impossibly tiny sewing notions ... IN PINK! (You may have noticed them in my banner photo up top.)
I've bought many pins from this artist since I discovered her 3 years ago. And I've even managed to keep a few for myself. But these pins have become my go-to gift for crafty family members, dear friends and very special people who mean a lot to me.
Now, I'm normally a little shy when it comes to introducing myself (I know, you're probably surprised - but it's true. My natural tendency is to be introverted.) But I was so excited about starting my blog I wanted to tell her that I'd included her pins in my banner. So I emailed her and a conversation started.
(Are you serious? LOOK at this little mushroom!)
This past summer, my family spent several weeks in California very near - it just so happens - to where she lives. So at the risk of making her think I was a crazy stalker person, I asked if she was interested in meeting. She said yes.
(I'm dyin' here ... now I need to make myself a pink tomato pincushion! You know I'm gonna. See what she does to me?)
We got together a few times - for breakfast, hanging out, burgers and yes, crafting. I begged her to come to our place with all her pin-making paraphanelia just so I could watch her work.
(Dude ... !!!!!!)
I gotta tell you, it was the absolute weirdest, out-of-body, "pinch-me-I-can't-believe-I'm-sitting-here-with-HER" time of my life. HER as in SHE MADE ME SIGN UP FOR ETSY HER! (Can you tell I'm a little excited?!)
(Can't you just imagine THESE in your pincushion?)
I mean, of all the merchants and crafters with shops on Etsy from all around the w.o.r.l.d, SHE'S here. Drinkin' my Pellegrino and hangin' out with me.
She's amazing. She is Gigi Minor of Pinks & Needles.
I am just SO HONORED (you really have no idea) to have this opportunity to share Gigi's fabulous talent with you because she's designed this exclusive 4-piece pin set especially for one of my lovely readers.
Gigi suggested making something that reflected my style. Naturally, it had to be pink. :) My favorite beverage is tea and I always blog with a cup beside me. So she started with this sweet little cup of tea, complete with a tag and string from the teabag! (Omg, can you beLIEVE her?)
A tiny pale blue blossom that she was inspired to make when she noticed the blue flower in the fabric.
A spool of thread because, well, you know ...
And then the piece-de-resistance, ARE YOU KIDDING ME??!! This rose - the quintessential symbol of pretty, romantic, shabby chic, flower sugar ... everything that makes my heart so happy. (I watched her make this rose and I still don't know how she did it, but to quote a very famous Vulcan, "Fascinating" - except I have to add these ... !!!! ... even though Vulcans don't have emotions.)
She even fashioned a pincushion out of a little pink egg cup and a scrap of fabric from my stash.
She makes every single pin - one at a time - by hand. Incredibly tiny, detailed and no-holds-barred ADORABLE! And let me tell you she is a perfectionist. She takes great pains to ensure all her pins are flawless.
So here's the deal (still with me?). To enter the draw to win this 4-piece pin topper set PLUS eggcup pincushion - all hand-crafted by Gigi Minor - go to her Etsy shop, have a browse, come back and leave me a comment telling me which are your favorite designs ... and I'm warning you - it's impossible to have just one!
I've already done some Christmas shopping myself ... and it's possible everything I bought will end up in my stocking from Santa, just sayin'. ;)
Comments will close Wednesday Nov 23 6:00pm PST (west coast United States) and I'll announce the winner Thursday Nov 24th.
PLEASE double check your email address to make sure it's spelled correctly when you leave it for me.
And now I'm going to try to calm down and hope no one enters so Gigi will send the pins to me.
Probably ...

Reader Comments (264)
These are just adorable. I don't need to collect anything else, but I just might have to give these a whirl!
You are right, they are all so adorable. I like the sewing ones the best, thread, scissors, tomato, sewing machine, buttons.
Being from Iowa, I have to say the Sweet Corn pin topper is my fave!! :o)
I was four years old again, looking through the window at our family home trying to see what my mother was making and being old enough to know that it was my birthday but you might imagine the raptures of delight when I finally saw the spread..a beautiful gingerbread house smothered in sweets and fairy bread, surrounded by delicate cupcakes and candy swirls in soft pastels. This delicious impression has lasted for decades but today was recaptured for me by the extraordinarily gifted hands of Gigi! If you would like to have a minature tea party atop a pincushion with confection suitable for a princess, or the notions and doings of a sewing room so perfectly placed on a pin, Gigi's little treasures would be enough to encourage any would-be sewer to get to their own hands busy.
I love all the tea party pins and I love the flowers. Who could choose!
I think all of them are absolutely adorable, but the Alice in Wonderland might be my favorite. Oh, and the teacups. Oh, and the hedgehogs. Wait, the antique sewing get my drift!
I took a look at them yesterday and fell in love with all of them - Seriously how can you pick just one LOL I absolutely adore the what she has created for your giveaway - totally awesome.
(love reading your blog - always gives me a chuckle!)
OMG! I have drooled over this artists' pin toppers for a couple of years now. I think hers are the best available anywhere! I loovvve so many of her pins. The sewing theme toppers are some of my favorites, but the Buttermint Gables gingerbread house takes the cake! The details are just SO great. I envy you having gotten to watch her make some of these. Just amazing.
Thanks for holding the giveaway,
Betsy Pratt
In Mill Creek WA wondering if this rain will ever stop
OK, even though I have many of Gigi's pins, I'm going to be piggy and enter the giveaway! :) Her work is totally amazing...and I'm thrilled that you got to meet her! :) I'd say my favorites are the pink sewing machine, and the red/white polka dot tea set.
Thanks for a lovely giveaway.
Omg!!!! I think my favorite is the blue bird..... no wait the chic cake... or maybe the blue teapot. I don't know I love them all. I can't believe how adorable they are. Just makes me so happy looking at them.
You're right. It's impossible to pick just one. They are all adorable. But my first choice is the pink sewing machine. Because I was just saying to my friends at a quilt retreat that I'm wondering why we haven't seen pink sewing machines for sale in honor of the pink ribbon fight for breast cancer! Perfect pin! Also the gingerbread pins are adorable. I could go on and on!
EEEEEK!!! so stinkin cute! i love her pins too! i think i started talking out loud when i got to the little pink sewing machine and the red polka dot tea set!!! love those! all of them are 2 die 4!!!
Love the mini button cards. And of course the pink sewing machine!
SERIOUSLY?!?! I don't know whether to love you or hate you! These are too freaking adorable and I have to have them (all)! It's too hard to choose favorites but I love the Alice in Wonderland set! And the polka dot tea party....and the personalized flag bunting....oh, and the mini sewing machines....and pretty much all the adorable little mushrooms. OK, so I've decided I love you but my husband is going to hate you once I start buying these because I can see this will become an addiction!
My fave is the gingerbread house and Iv just received my order from her and its even more gorgeous then it is online! I need more her pins are like a drug!!
So cute!! My favourite is the cottage!
You had me at the banner...THANK YOU for telling us about this charming shop!!! Aside from the giveaway package, I'm in love with the red polka dot teapot and saucer...I'm gonna have to buy that. Merry Christmas to me!
I love all of them but since I am a Granny I like Grannies sewing basket the best. I love reading your blog and seeing all the wonderful projects you make. So inspiring.
The Alice in Wonderland set is so wonderful.
I love so many, the pink gingerbread house, the threads, the tea party and on and on. I thought I had picked my favourite and then I went to the next page.
I love the black sewing machine and the little spools of thread, love this blog.
I loved the robins nest with eggs! I would take everything~love her look!
OMG! It was so hard to choose but my favourite was the pink sewing machine!
What a decision - I pick the shabby sewing basket! you've had a few extra guest stop by for this post! (YAY!!) These are SOOOOO adorable - thanks for sharing the love. What talent she has!
Here are my favs - PolkaDot TeaParty (very top pick as I love polka dots!), mini treats, the just plain ADORABLE dress form, and gum drops....if I HAVE to stop there......
I absolutely LOVE those cute little things!!! Too difficult to choose only one... so here's the list of my faves:
- buttermint gables gingerbread house
- sugared swirly lollipop
- marie-antoinette inspired cupcake
- shabby sewing basket
Thank you so much for introducing us to this great artist and congratulations on your inspiring blog!
Genevieve T.
You warned us it would be a tough choice, but wow. I started with the snowman then went to the shabby rose tea pot and then....found the lemon cream spring mushroom. This one is a must have. It's going on my Santa list!
This is a DREAM give a way!!! I have adored the pins on your blog header since day one! I even book marked her etsy page!! Some of my favorites are:
Cake slice!, Red polka dot tea pot & cup!, Cotton Candy!, Eat Me Cupcake! , Strawberry pins!, Button Cards!, Red Mushroom! , Snowman pin! and last but not least the PRETTY BY HAND PIN SET!!!!!!
Thank you Kristyne for the chance to win!
You're right. It's completely impossible to choose a favorite design. I like everything I saw, especially the little four piece set she made for you. The gingerbread man and the snowman are especially sweet to me this time of year.
Thanks for offering this give-away.
You're right- pretty hard to decide!! Her shop is truly eye candy to look at!! :) I did really like the flag bunting and the cupcakes and the lollipops!! They are all super sweet! Thank you for the chance!!
I love the Polkdot teapot pin set. They are so detailed. absolutely lovely. thanks, kathy
Holy mother of moly you want me to pick ONE?!?! You're insane in the membrane. But those lollipops are PRECIOUS. I actually want that Reserved for allcozycozy set BAD!
What a wonderful little shop! What an amazingly talented lady! I would treasure any one of those beautiful little pins. You are so right, how can you pick just one favorite. I love the little pink sewing machine and the spools of thread, the polkadot teapot and cup and saucer and that pink rose in the giveaway is beautiful. I have sent my family members alittle email with my wishlist of goodies made by Gigi(keeping my fingers crossed).
Thank you so much for a chance in your beautiful giveaway. Have a wonderful day
Hi her pins are so amazing I got some in Australia through a BOM of Pin cushion goodnesssnessss. I love the sewing machine and the red tea cup set and the gingerbread house and the and the oh my I can't stop, she makes such beautiful things. I hope I win. Please pick me..
Oh my goodness , what an amazing artist. I must say my favorite, although hard to choose, would be the Buttermint Gables Gingerbread House. The detail is simply amazing. Thank you for this fabulous giveaway and Happy Thanksgiving!
My absolute favorite pin topper is the Mushroom Cottage House pin topper. My very close second favorite is the Buttermint Gables Gingerbread House pin topper. These tiny little miniatures are amazing to look at and wonder how they were made. I am completely addicted to these pin toppers! Gigi Minor is a remarkable artist!
They are amazing! I think my favorite is her custom set of gingerbread house and lollipops and gumdrop trees! Or maybe Let them eat cake, or shabby teapot or the Candyland gingerbread houses. So beautiful! Thanks for hosting the giveaway!
kori.ireland at
Sooooo hard to choose - but I think I love the little black sewing machine the most. So squeal-worthy!!
I'm dreaming of a white Christmas so it has to be the mini Frosty the Snowman topper. What talent she has, they are all fabulous!
I am loving the little pink sewing machine it is soo cute! I am def gonna have to order something from there they are all so beautiful such a talented lady!
Oh my these are just gorgeous! My favourites are the pastel mini cotton reels. I think my wee pincushion collection could do with some of those.
Her little pins are just, too sweet. I would have to say I am in heart with the buttercream gables but, that texas style rainbow cupcake is equally as delicious. thanks for the delightful giveaway ladies!
oh my gosh, amazing. so tiny and detailed. love the little gingerbread house. but very hard to choose one adorable piece, they are all amazing. thanks for a fun giveaway. enjoy the week.
Oh my... these are delightful !! I LOVE the Pretty in Pink choices... but I'm very partial to birds... so "Bye Bye BlackBird" is my choice... Thanks so much for sharing... Have a great Holiday...
I went, I saw and I love all of them - especially flowers, hearts, candy, cupcakes, and the list goes on and on. What a beautiful talent she is. Thanks for introducing us and for this wonderful opportunity to win. Judy C in NC
Love all of gigi's talented work, I am a huge fan. Every single pin or pin cushion she makes is dones with so much care and talent!!! Love the pretty by hand set!!!
Oh, how adorable! I love the Tea Party set because as much as you love pink... I love red... and polka dots! But the Buttermint Gables is so cute, too. I wouldn't know how to decide. Perfect gifts! I love all of your projects as well. You are so fast!! I wish I could finish projects like you do. Love the paisley pincushion!!
they're all sooo cute...but I love the polka dot tea party!
I think my favorite is the "gingerbread house"...It is so cute. But...I also love the Alice in Wonderland set. Amazing work! (I really love them all!)
They are all so delicate and sweet !!!! I adore the ginger bread house and the hexagon pincushion . LOVE LOVE LOVE!