Farmer's Wife Quilt Along Week 5

I waited to post this week's FWQAL blocks because today is Canada Day! In honor of my country's birthday, I made red & white blocks.
#56 - Maple Leaf
An obvious choice, eh? ;)
#6 - Big Dipper
And the Big Dipper is arguably the easiest constellation to find here in the northern hemisphere ... that and Orion's Belt.
I've found it countless times overhead. In fact, whenever I'm outside at night (and I'm not running to avoid frost bite in the dead of winter), I always take a second to find it ... just to make sure it's still there.
I've never seen the Southern Cross, but I'd love to ... some day!
Happy Canada Day!


Reader Comments (10)
Happy Canada Day!!!
Love the Maple leaf! Happy Canada Day!
Vivienne x
Happy birthday, Canada!! We celebrate our bday on Monday, the 4th!
I love the blocks! ;0 You are inspiring me.....okay, I'm over it. For a moment, another woman almost went over to the dark side......
Love your blocks! and a happy canada day!
I love your blocks and fabrics. Happy Canada Day!
Canda O' Canda...Happy Canda Day! Great job again...I envy you for getting the time to play with fabric :)
I need to manage my time better and stay off the internet...I would get more done than continuing to buy all the lovelies out there!
Can't wait to see what is next..Lisa in Texas
I did it again...I need spell check...Canada O' Canada...Happy Canada Day...I really am 'edumacated' Lisa
Happy Canada Day! Love those red blocks -- perfect for your day!
Anything in red and white is going to be beautiful, I really love your blocks. My FW book arrived today, but with the holiday weekend i won't have time to start on it....Next week, though, I shall join in the fun! Have a wonderful weekend!
love your FW blocks! i love flower sugar plus the fresh, vintagey and crispy. :)
thanks for visiting my blog! ;)