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Too Gone For Too Long

Country music fans will recognize that title from this Randy Travis classic.  Oh gosh, the next line of that song is "it's too late to come back now" ... ??? ... geez, I hope not!!!

I really didn't think I'd be down for 2+ weeks.  But I am.  Now I'm waiting for my new Photoshop software to come in so I can start showing you what I've been up to.

In desperation, I dug around my old photo files and found this ... you may recognize it as my blog banner on steroids.

In fact, I made it as part of an exercise for a blogging course I took from Holly Becker of Decor8 last year.  My banner is the edited version of this collage.

Ooooh, wait ... I just had an idea. 

Back story required.

When I first discovered blogs, one of my very favorite things was when bloggers changed their banners.  And when I started my blog I SWORE I was going to change MINE every.single.month.

Yeah, right!  Sometimes I can't even stand my own delusions of grandeur.

When I came up with my current ... oh, let's be honest here ... ONLY banner, I really fell in love with it.  I mean really.  I'd never done anything like that before - made up a collage of my favorite things - and now I'm afraid it was a creative fluke and I'll never be able to make a new one that is just as pretty ... kinda like a one hit wonder.

That said, I wonder if you're getting bored of it.

But on the other hand (another Randy Travis hit ... I'm not really a Country music fan, I just happen to know a few of his tunes),  I wonder if you guys still like it and would prefer I just keep it forever and ever ... amen?  LOL, ok now I'm just messin' with ya!

So how 'bout YOU tell ME if I should keep my current banner or try to come up with something new. 

(See how I'm trying to trick you into talking to me?)

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Reader Comments (65)

I L.O.V.E. your banner! I never tire of looking at it, but if you were to do another one, I know it would be just as wonderful! All your pictures are so much fun and so inspiring! So glad you are back and up and running! Hopefully you all are well and things are going smoothly for you now! Looking forward to seeing what you've been up to!!! Welcome back!!!!!

January 31, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterBari Jo

I love your banner. Long may it reign. And then someday, when you're ready, you will decide to do a new one. And it, too will be uber-loveable and pretty. Fear not: you are brimming with creativity!
Hope that your eye is getting better.
And I look forward to hearing more about that MAC class -- and to seeing the results. You may just inspire me to sign up for one. Because I've noticed that waving my wand gets no results either.

January 31, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterDebbie R.

Oh, keep it! It's so beautiful and soothing. I would never get bored of it. Besides, I'm just getting used to the idea that you're not a sewing queen... free from the daily chores, dirty dishes, eye infections, and so on that we experience every day!! Reading your blog is so fun for me! I really imagined you sewing all day, doing exactly as you please, and having all your projects turn out so cute and wonderful. Ha ha. You have inspired me to get sewing and be creative, instead of waiting for the perfect moment and perfect project! Thanks. :)

January 31, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterLeAnne

I ADORE IT!!!! When I go to my Favourites and click on PBH its obviously the first thing I see. I certainly love this gorgeous eye candy.... :o)

February 1, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterLeah

I love your banner! I think that you have a great eye...also wanted to let you know that I nominated you for the Liebert Award on my blog...what you haven't heard of it? It's a "fun" award going around the bloggy world...(for blogs with fewer than 200 followers...which I know that you have more than but...) really it's because I love your site! Hope that you'll check it out...sweetdieseldesigns.com

February 1, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterBianca

I love your banner and am not tired of it! As an encouragement I believe you could make another hit. : )

February 1, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterBeverly

I LOVE your blog banner. If you were to create something with a similar feel, it'd be fun to see something fresh if you're ready for a change, but your current one is so lovely you could leave it up forever. When I first clicked over here from Camille's blog, I knew I was going to love your blog just from seeing the banner.

February 2, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterK Warr

We've lost her....to technology. Stay away from the light, Kristyne! Stay away from the light!

Stay away from the angel statues, too...advice from The Doctot. ;p

February 3, 2012 | Unregistered Commenterina

You're gonna hate this, but I almost never see banners! Yours is exceptionally pretty but if you changed it I might not notice, since I read all my blogs in NetNewsWire.

At least play around with making new banners, you never know, you may come up with another one you LOVE. :-)

February 4, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterKatie

oh, how i used to love Randy Travis. sigh.

i totally think you should keep the header. i'm totally in love with it. totally. :)

(sorry. i'm sick with a cold and totally loopy.)

February 4, 2012 | Unregistered Commenteramandajean

Your banner was what initially sucked me into your blog! I saw it and thought, "Oh yes, I will LIKE this lady!" :) The colors and elements are so lovely.

That said, I think if you make a new one with things you love just as much, it will probably have a similar aesthetic. But I wouldn't feel like you need to make a new one--lovely never goes out of style.

February 5, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterAmy

Hi Kristyne,

Hope your figuring our your new computer because I'm really missing your posts! Do you care if I copy a couple of your pictures from your blog. I just want to show them on my blog and I promise I will link back over to yours. Let me know! Oh by the way, they are of the pictures you showed of the bag you made for camille.

February 5, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterNicole Willmore

I know its not your fault and you'd be here if you could....I just want you to know your absence is noticed!

February 6, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterKrystena

Hi, I can't figure out how to contact you via email to ask permission? I linked to your blog on mine and used your banner pic next to your link. (love your banner by the way) feel free to contact me if I have stepped on your toes, didn't mean too! ; ) summercrafter@yahoo.com

February 21, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterElaine

I like your banner and it was a year ago, so I suppose everyone else does too!

I like Country Music (some, not all, are you still speaking to me now?)

speaking of 2nd lines...

Zips, and the putting in there of, often earwurms me with the modified Zip it Up and start again. The line after that is "I hope to God you're not as dumb as you make out". hmm.


January 2, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterA Peppermint Penguin

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