Farmer's Wife Quilt Along Week 49

I was gonna try to make up for missing last week and post 4 blocks today ... that didn't happen. I was lucky to get these done and photographed before the sun went down! LOL!
And as you can see I wasn't in the mood to bother with a color theme. I just picked whatever.
#52 Hovering Hawks
I had a bad feeling while I was cutting that these colors were too weak to go nicely together. I was right. At a distance, this block has virtually no definition - 'cept for the red splotches from the flowers.
But at this point in the FWQAL, I really don't give a (insert curse word of your choice here ... anything from mild to severe will work ... tee hee).
#94 Tall Pine Tree
You know me and my literality (is that even a word?) This is supposed to be a tree. I guess ... if you were on LSD or something ... (I got that reference from an episode of Mad Men a few weeks ago ... I've never actually tried it ... just sayin'.)
Can you tell I've hit that legendary mile 18 of a marathon and am having a hard time being excited about FW right now? I think I have only 11 more blocks to make ... feels like a million to me ... (wheeze, cough, sputter)
Also, I hate math. If this is Week 49 and I've made 2 blocks / week I should have 98 made with 13 to go. But I counted my blocks twice and I have 100.
Whatever. I don't care.

Reader Comments (13)
Week 49! That means it's been almost a full year working on just piecing blocks! That's quite the commitment, and I am very impressed with everyone on the FWQAL. My favorite part is assembling the blocks after they've been pieced, so that would be my motivation to get the last few done.
Now now, no need to insert curse words. Just use correct terminology like, say, Rodent's Rectumn. That should work!
Ugh. I really dislike that feeling that I get far into a big project when I just want to be done with it already! New quilts (projects) are always brimming with possibilities and the old projects feel, well,...old! BUT, don't give up!!! You're almost there! Putting these little beauties together into a quilt top will be so rewarding and fun to look at! Even if you are tiring of it, I can tell you that it is so much fun to see your new blocks when you post them! And you are encouraging me to finish my projects! :)
I just saw that tree block in a book over the week-end for the first time and basically had the same reaction as you did. However, when I saw yours it clicked for me. You have to have many of those blocks together and then they all fit and create a forest. The weird triangles at the bottom sides become the tops of the next trees and the weird rectangles on either side at the top form 1/2 the trunks for the two trees above. you like to say......Just Sayin'.
Love love love your blog and your wonderful sense of humor!
I love your blocks no surprise here! Hildy
It's certainly no fun when you don't enjoy a project anymore. Maybe putting out all your blocks on the floor, or design wal,l and arranging them in the order you want them placed, will re-inspire you. I find that this works for me - I get motivated again to get the whole top finished.
Miss K, you've lasted much longer than was a huge project but you're almost there!! DId I ever tell you that I'm a quitter? Yep! If I ain't enjoying it anymore I quit. You could stop at 100 blocks and still have a beautiful quilt.
Really, we won't judge you. ;p
I love your posts lol. And ya, I don't see a tree either.
49 weeks?! I probably wouldn't care anymore either.....
Kristyne, I love looking at your blog. Just the header makes me melt. So calm and "pieceful" ( yeah, it's spelled wrong, but that is what I meant!) :-)
The Lecien fabrics that you are using are some of my favs. I have them on order for my shop! It makes me happy to see you using them in FW blocks.
Keep your head up and know that when you FINALLY finish all of those blocks, you will have a beautiful quilt to show all of us readers. :-)
robin :-)
You are almost to the finish line! YOU CAN DO IT!!! :O) Man, I would feel the same way - it is so weird trying to finish up a project you've been working on forever - BUT - just remember that wonderful feeling as you are finishing up the binding - you will be so glad you did! Cannot wait to see it in all its glory! This was quite a project and it will be an amazing quilt! :O)
Actually, these blocks are some of my favs!! Just keep gpoing ,the end is in sight,I know what a big undertaking this has been,but we surely have enjpoyed the jlourney!! Always a pleasure K.
Will you be going to Quilt Market?
Press through it!! I know... I did it and in the end is worth it. I just finished mine in February and took a year to do it also!!