FWQAL Last 2 Blocks

Ok. I admit it. This Farmer's Wife is defeated. By one block.
I know.
But I am nothing if not an excellent problem solver when it comes to quilting. So I have a solution for my insufficient # of blocks. If it works, I'll show you. If not, I'll tell you about it and then show you Plan B ... or C ... however many it takes to get this quilt done!
So here are my last.two.blocks. And like the last few weeks you won't find them in the book either.
I'd been thinking for a while it might be kinda cool to include a bit of "Flower Sugar" selvedge, since all the fabrics I used are from that line (except the white).
I made the stripes deliberately askew. Just for fun. I also threw in a few of the color legends ... which I love.
And now for the Grand Finale Block!
I've known right from the start I was going to embroider my name etc. on an album-type block.
But I couldn't find one I liked. So I made this one up for myself. (I did find it a little odd there wasn't a single album block in the entire book ... I can't be the ONLY person who wants to put my name on the front of the quilt rather than hiding it on the back!)
To keep the details fine I used only 1 ply of floss with a backstitch (even though the backstitch and I aren't exactly best friends 'cause my stitches aren't terribly uniform in length and that bugs me ... it just doesn't bug me enough to stitch slower for better accuracy ... ).
A little part of me thinks it would have been more "authentic" to use my own handwriting. But my penmanship was ruined by 5 years of University. (Yes, I'm so old I remember the dark ages of laboriously taking notes in class BY HAND!) But it's awful. I did try doing my very best writing/printing, but it just looked ... I dunno ... goofy. So I resorted to my favorite trick of typing out text on my computer, finding a nice font, resizing it and printing it out as my embroidery template.
And I don't mind fooling anyone from the future who sees this quilt into thinking I had amazingly feminine & delicate penmanship. Maybe they will also (erroneously) imagine I had a personality to match.
So this is them. All 110 of them. All nearly 6" of them!
Can hardly wait to put 'em all together.
I guess the pressure is really on to finish now ... since I ambitiously EMBROIDERED the year! LOL!

Reader Comments (34)
Great idea for the finale block. And I like your comment about being committed to finishing because you embroidered the year!
Don't worry Kristyne, you got six and half months! :)
Looking good. :)
V x
i've truly enjoyed watching your progress... i'm a slow-go on this project... can't wait til one day i hit the 111 mark. beautiful blocks!!
I think it's a great idea to put your name in one of the blocks, you truely deserve it! I just wonder just your block isn't pink;-) Hildy
this is going to be AMAAAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is true anticipation waiting to see this all finished!!! And your mystery block quilt too, is SOOOOOOO lovely!!! I hope my quilts look even HALF as adorable and amazing.
Congratulations on your accomplishment with the FW blocks!!!! You've inspired me to keep going on mine. I currently have 34 blocks done and OH so many to go! I love your signature block, I'm going to do one too, thanks for the inspiration!
YES!!! You CAN do it! It looks amazing - I can't believe that stack. AND I LOVE your signature block!!! That is a GREAT idea - as usual you have the best ideas!!!!! Oh My I cannot wait to see these blocks all laid out together!!!!!!! Congrats! I long to do this quilt, too! You inspired me!
ps - your embroidery is to die for - it is lovely as always!!! I am wishing I could embroider ilke YOU!
So pretty!
YAY!!! THe blocks are done!! I liked the idea of using the selvedges in the signature block. Don't lose your mojo...start sewing the suckers together. Oh, wait. you have to figure out the layout. Man, that's gonna take a LONG time based on your analysis paralysis with your recent 12 blocks BOM. ;p
May the force be with you little skywalker! ;p
Your final two blocks are fabulous - what great ideas! If you find you need another block send me some flower sugar bits and I'll make one for you!!
Love the idea of the selvedge and color legend! And the signature block. Good plan. But I agree with Ina who commented just above me. If you had that much angst over 12 blocks, how on earth will you figure out the layout for over a hundred blocks? Best get going! We'll help!
Kristyne, the blocks look great and so does the embroidery, remember if you wanted it perfect, you would do it by machine, not" pretty by hand"!
I love your signature block - your embroidery is beautiful, and the font is so delicate. It fits in perfectly with the fabrics you've used. I can't wait to see all of your blocks together - good luck with the lay out!
I LOVE that signature block! What a great idea! Don't be scared by the layout process. I did mine yesterday in an hour, max - I just made sure that the colors were evenly distributed and that my fave blocks were placed so that I'll see them.
Great job! I know you're relieved to have them all done. I really like your signature block. It's perfect. Can't wait to see the pieces all put together. I know you'll do it quickly. You're not one to let grass grow beneath your feet...unless life gets in your way and you can't help it.
I so admire your tenacity to see this project through to the end, and you have fantastic results to show for it. Way to go!
Good Luck with the layout....<3
Well done Kristyne, what an amazing job and the pile of blocks looks soooo you. I can't wait to see the quilt finished. I have managed an excellent total of "4" (I know, pitiful). Hoping to get some more done when I can borrow my friends templates.
You may need those six and a half months to get the block placement just right. lol Ha ha!
Your hand workmanship is absolutely unbelievable! Beautiful blocks - you should be so proud. Can't wait to see it put together. Congrats on a job well done.
Congratulations Kristyne! It's been a treat watching you sew up all these delicious blocks. I will be using your signature block idea for sure if I ever manage to finish mine! I can't wait to see them put together. Good luck with the layout, don't let it drive you nutty!!
ROFL! You've done it now. You have to finish it this year! And you better get busy! Considering the trauma associated with laying the twelve blocks from the BOM, think of all the touching pinks you could have with 110 blocks!
The embroidered album block is a perfect finish, as is the string/selvage block. Good job!
I'm looking forward to seeing the finished quilt... though I have to admit that I'm kind of sorry that you're almost done. I've enjoyed the progress this past year.
Oh,your embroidery again is just perfection!!! How totally lovely ,and your last two blocks are as wonderful as the others. I have een wroking on a quilt and decided to not just lie it aside,I got it entirely pieced this evening,thinking of you, I know you willsurprise y ourself and det the blocks together really fast!!!
Oh this post is so timely! I hope yo can take just a few minutes to let me know more about HOW you did your signature. I don't understand how you transferred your name to the fabric. I've developed an "intentional" tremor. When I go to write, I'll shake and my beautiful penmanship has gone out the door. I have to sign a "president's block for our guild this week and a little more info from you would be so appreciated! The block, your idea and your work are, as always, phenomenal.
Congrats on the finished blocks! And absolutely brilliant idea on printing out your name for your label.
You're a legend! The album block was a great idea! Can't wait to see it finished...then you'll have time for the Messenger Bag tute! LOL just sayin'
Wow, what an impressive stack! Well done you for gritting your teeth and hanging in there. Also, thanks for embroidering the date, that means I can look forward to a big reveal later this year! ;)
S x
Love the selvedge with the colourway. Love the signature block. Love the idea of it being a bit wonky. After all the precision of the others - I would want to put this signature block in the middle and build around it. Shout out to the world. The font and stitching are excellent.
I came in late in the journey, thank you for sharing this with us.
from downunder
Congratulations on finishing- the nicest part is that your quilt will be unique to you. I love that you did a signature block on the front. Years ago I did a similar project with quilt friends - 5" blocks - there were only 56 blocks, but I recall some of them having well of 35 pieces per block! (It was a Judie Rothermel design) I love these type quilts, but once I had done one.... I am going to have to look at those blocks and see if I can sign one - and maybe get them all together finally!
It looks fantastic ! Can't wait to see it finished !
I love the 6" of blocks stacked up. How fun!
dear kristyne, i think your farmer's wife blocks sooooo very beautiful!
i am following your blog for quite a while, and i am always looking forward to your fw posts especially. i started my own version some weeks ago, and have completed some 30 blocks by now. now you're done! makes me a little sad. but of course i will look out for any posts where you will (hopefully) describe how you are finishing your gorgeous piece of art.
Furiously writing notes displayed using an overhead projector. Unwound from a roll that had been used for so many years that the text was flaking off, or by lecturers that insisted on using red or green pens. Not pauing attention to what was being said coz you had to scribble so fast or miss half the notes..... Ah, those were the days :)
But that is a lovely bit of embroidery you have there :)
Those blocks are such an achievement, I'm in awe. and so tidy.
my handwriting - as you know - is barely legible and I didn't go to university.