Mystery Block of the Month Trial Layouts

Here are all my blocks in chronological order from left to right ...
Slightly different arrangement - chronological order from top to bottom ... I think I like this one better because it puts the tulip in the middle column.
(These mosaics are so fun to make!)
Ok. You can't tell from looking, but I just wasted like 1/2 hour playing around with different arrangements until I came up with this one ...
I am SUCH a symmetrical-aholic when it comes to block placement in a quilt. I looked for the strongest or most similar feature between 2 blocks and placed them opposite each other.
Top row - pointy/leafy green corner thingies and a strong, secondary red design in the middle.
Second row - lots of yellow.
Third row - red pointies around the outside of the blocks.
Bottom row - red in the corners.
If you go down the outside columns you'll notice I alternated the red prints ... floral then polka dot.
And for the middle row I just put them where they looked nice. I wanted the second block to be in the bottom row, but then I'd have that blueish dot in every block across the bottom. That simply will not do.
Oh geez, I could probably go on for another hour explaining all my bizarre decision-making rules here ... but I'll spare you any further gory details. I don't want you to think I'm like weird or something.
What was that? Too late?

Reader Comments (15)
You always make me feel so much better when you explain things like you do - because now I know I am not alone... OR....we both have a problem - LOL! I T.O.T.A.L.L.Y get what you are saying! Love the blocks!!!!!!!
Fantastic job! You make me want to do a block of the month, too. Are you going to do the next mystery block series? I'm debating. Don't know if I would keep up with it or let it pile up.
You make everything look so good. Great job!
They look fabulous. I would have put a spikey block bottom left on the last layout as the other three corners are spiky, but I guess you didn't want me to sya that out loud?
I love to play around with my fabric/block/color settings! I think that's one of the best parts in putting a quilt together. Normally I put my favorite block/fabric/color in the middle and then arrange the rest around it (but rules I made up for myself, theethee). Hildy
I can kind of agree with Sue B. aboutputting a spikey block in the lower left corner.
The rest of it looks good though. You do realize you have opened it up to many many opinions. LOL I love blocks of the month and have enjoyed this journey as you have shared it with us. Thank you
Thanks for doing the hard work for the rest of us. The arrangement looks great!!!
Frack. I just wasted 30 mins second guessing your layout choices. I guess we're both weird. Maybe we should start a 12 step program??? lol. ;p
I'm really slow - I LOVE these blocks. So can I still get the patterns/kits for these blocks somewhere? Please?? Pretty please??
I like the middle arrangement....too much green in the upper right corner on the third one! Takes me as long to put it together as it took to sew all the blocks in the first place, and then I still question my results!
It is beautiful, however you end up putting it together.
Ok I have to I read the post I stopped after you wrote the paragraph about being a symetrical-holic. I immediately scrolled up and tried to determine what your reasonings were. Then to my surprise I scrolled down and found that you had a complete explanation.......I had nailed each position. I got a good laugh out of this. I must admit that I am a symetrical-holic too. Thanks for the laugh!
hilarious and soooo me!
I like the bottom one best,but ay one of them would be totally just fine. I would trust your dudgement any day!! Nice Job!!
Third time lucky, the last is best. don't know why, except it looks fantastic.