THE Best Thing EVER!!!

Ok. Got a little "good news - bad news - good news" scenario going on today. But just to clarify, the good news is TOTALLY AMAZING and the bad news isn't really bad at all because the other good news totally cancels out the so-called bad news and is - in fact - THE BEST THING I'VE EVER HEARD!
Well, except for when the doctor told me "it's a girl" ... twice ... and probably "will you marry me?" ... yeah, that's way up there ... oh, and "I do" should also probably be on that list.
But OTHER than those times ...
Good News:
You know You may have noticed the pretty ad over there to the right. Well they liked my Honey Bee Bag so much they went and MADE IT INTO A KIT!!!
Somebody please pinch me 'cause I'm having a hard time believing this isn't a dream. "Thank you Shabby Fabrics!"
Bad News:
I used Lecien's "Durham" fabric collection to make the pattern cover sample because I love it. It is exactly my taste. It has the perfect style and colors for how I envisioned the Honey Bee Bag - all romantic and garden party-ish. And it (was) a current collection.
However, it seems I'm not the only one who loved that fabric line because it is more or less sold out.
I know ... but just hang on a sec ...
As a long-time quilter, I completely sympathize with the disappointment of not being able to get "that exact same fabric" on a pattern cover to make a project. So I know what some of you are thinking.
But all is not lost. Really!
Lemme 'splain.
Super Awesome News:
To make the Honey Bee Bag kits, Shabby Fabrics dug into their very exclusive reserve of the most beautiful and discontinued fabrics in the history of shabby style quilting fabric mankind the universe and found some ...
wait for it ...
If you're familiar with this fabric collection, you totally get what I'm saying here.
PFM (a 3 Sisters design) came out almost 10 years ago and is pretty much impossible to find. Unless you haunt eBay every single day and are willing to pay like a kajillion dollars for a fat quarter.
I remember the first time I saw it in a local quilt shop. It's hard for me to explain how I felt. Goosebumps. Accelerated heart rate. Love at first sight sort of thing. You know - like when time slows down and everything else in the room disappears. Like that. It was the most incredible fabric I'd ever seen.
As in like EVER ever.
I hope at least some of you can relate to having a similar reaction to fabric so I don't sound like a total wingnut here! LOL!
Remember the Daisychain Sampler I finished not too long ago?
You guys, I used the colors in Paris Flea Market to pick my embroidery floss!
Anyhow. I have a lot of Paris Flea Market in my stash that even now - after all these years - I still can't bring myself to use. Which is why I am in near disbelief that my very first pattern is now available as a kit with my ALL-TIME-FAVORITE fabric.
If you're even HALF interested in making the Honey Bee Bag, do yourself a favor and go get this (VERY LIMITED) kit. Asap.
I promise you I'm not the only salivating, rabid PFM fanatic out there. And if I hadn't actually written the pattern myself and didn't already have tons of yardage, I would be buying all the kits for myself. Ask my BFF. She'll tell you I am SO not even joking about that.
One more thing. All 5 of my new patterns are available over there too, in case you wanted to do some one-stop-shopping. ;)
Ok. I'll try to calm down now. I think it might help if I go cuddle with my PFM stash for a while. Thank goodness I didn't have to sacrifice any of mine for you to have the joy of owning that kit!

Reader Comments (24)
oh, it's so beautiful, and I can only imagine it in the paris flea market fabric... but the pattern seems to have disappeared from your own shop... Is it still for sale??
Big congratulations!!! What an accomplishment. I've become so smitten with those shabby fabrics, all thanks to YOU!
You totally rock!! Brava!!
I am happy for you that your pattern venture is getting off to such a great start. Kitted by a big quilter e-tailer already! You should be proud of yourslef. I am a big fan of PFM and still have some hoarded in my stash too. Will the perfect project for it ever come along? Maybe one of your future designs!
That's great news! (From another huge PFM fan.)
I noticed that the honey bee bag patterns aren't in your shop anymore. I'm. Interested in the PDF version, which isn't available on the Shabby website where the kit is. Can you put it back in your store for us?
Already bought the pencil bag pattern and love it! Thanks!
Contragts, Kristyne! That's really good news for you and all the PFM fans. But actually I'm not a fan (sorry!) and I have the same problem as Lori: I just wanna have the PDF. Please put it back (and on sale please)! Hildy
Holy Goodnight...I nearly inhaled the laptop when I saw Paris Flea Market fabric!!!!!
My kit is ordered and I can't wait to get my hands on that gorgeous bag!
You (and Shabby Fabrics!) have made me one happy camper!
I have a stash of this fabric too hard to believe i have had it for soo long!
Hurray! My kit is on order. I have some scraps of PFM that I have been hoarding and slowly leaking into projects but not nearly enough for this pattern. Can't wait to get the kit-I'll have a great bag and be able to replenish my scraps!
Ok ... so now I have the paper pattern waiting to arrive from you... and a kit on order from Shabby Fabrics! I'm excited to be here to see someone come into their own and do it with such style and beauty! I have never seen PFM before, because only until recently would I venture outside of Fig Tree mania. But it looks soft and beautiful and I can't wait to make my first bag project. And it will be for me. I think I will designate it my travel sewing bag and definitely off limits to the kids!
That is very exciting news! Congrats!
Omg this is so awesome!! I emailed Shabby Fabrics right away to see if I could buy the kit minus the pattern (bought that from you last week.). Soooo pretty in those fabrics. You know how much I love 3 Sisters too!! I think I am going to make the bag in fall/winter fabrics too. :)
I just absolutely love your blog! Every week day you are part of my *wake up coffee time* Now if you could just get me started back into my projects I would be even more in awe!
Congrats Krystine! The good news just keeps on coming from your camp. I am so happy for you. I, too, have been trying to purchase the Honey Bee Bag PDF since you announced it with the 20% off those 2 days, but it was not available when I clicked your store. Just wanted you to know in case others had this happen too. Love the purse and will purchase the pattern when it is available. I read your blog with my morning coffee, so thanks for all the cool postings. Keep them coming! :p
You are on a roll, dear Kristyne and congratulations are in order!!! By the way, I received my patterns today (should have asked you to autograph them) and I am so impressed (but not surprised)!! Your directions and pictures are very clear and I can hardly wait to start on one of the projects.
I promise to buy all the patterns you design.....really, though, I am waiting impatiently for the bag you took to spring market, 2011. :)
how fun kristyne! i'm super happy for you! the bag is darling.....congrats on the new shop and everything!!! yay for you!! :0
Really amazing. So happy for you, and I also have a stash of Paris Flea Market!!
I totally "get" that PFM fixation. I've told you this before...that was the very first fabric line I ever fell entirely in love with! I made 3 quilts from it...I believe I bought 1/2 yard of every print, and I wish I'd invested more! Maybe I could have put my sone through some college with it, but I would never sell it anyway! You purse is dreamy already and would be so sweet in the PFM's, too! Congratulations!
Thanks, Christine
I'm very happy for you great job.
Hey Kristyne! Just had to tell you that I got the kit from Shabby Fabrics and I am so excited! I LOVE the PFM fabrics! I had no idea what they looked like but WOW! Gorgeous! Thanks for all of your help!
GOOD NEWS number three- Moda is re -issuing the Paris Flea market line fairly soon!!!!!