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Crouching Tiger, Hidden Bunny

This is our backyard as seen from the kitchen window yesterday around noon.  Can you see the bunny?

How about now? 

We first spotted him at breakfast around 9:30 when there was no accumulated snow on the chairs or table.  You could see almost all of his little body then.

Still can't see him?

Here he is, under the chair ...

His little breath kept the snow melted on the seat above him.

We were checking up on him all day.  Every once in a while someone in the kitchen would call out, "He's still there!"  (Usually me.)  Sometimes we'd all watch him, wondering if he'd succumbed to the elements.  But then we'd see him fluff, shake off the snow and resettle ... and we'd breathe a collective sigh of relief. 

The kids stayed out of the backyard so he wouldn't be scared away.

Around 6:00 he finally dug himself out from under the chair,

and then like Peter Rabbit, squeezed under the gate.

He didn't lose any brass buttons. 

But we really enjoyed his quiet little company all day.

And I never once considered putting him in a pie.

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Reader Comments (15)

SO adorable! I love bunnies! And, wow, that snow! ;)
Awww, I wish we had bunnies here but all we get are squirrels and raccoons.
March 4, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterDolores
Awwwe bunnies are so much fun to have around. We've been watching and following bunny tracks in our yard too!!!
March 4, 2013 | Unregistered Commenterkim
Perhaps the little bunny lost this watch and thought the tea party would be at your house? Did you offer him tea and cake (preferable carrot cake)? No!?! That the reason why he left, yep;-) Hildy
March 4, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterHildy
We have a little cottontail visiting us now too ... eats the birdseed, so I make sure I spread a generous amount under the bushes for him. And we have a cottontail look-alike living inside the house. Bunnies everywhere!! Wendy
March 4, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterWendy
Love the snow! Poor little bunny, must've been cold. Hope he found some dinner in the snow, and didn't end up someone else's
March 4, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterNic
What a beautiful bunny're cold here where I live rabbits and just never snowed in the mountains or even in camps but few people see this snow well loved high.
March 4, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterAldora
Well I'm very glad to hear it! I love bunnies. :)
So glad the little critter was ok!
V xxx
March 4, 2013 | Unregistered Commentergreenrabbitdesigns
You're a doll! I love the story of Peter Rabbit! Thanks for the reminder...I might have to go dig it out and read it to myself as my kids are too big anymore...
March 4, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterBeth Sanders
Awww, I just love bunnies! Thanks for the peek! Mother Nature somehow provides for them all...wonderous..
March 4, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterBonnie Nyquist
I love bunnies! Yours was so sweet. Thx for sharing his little adventure and I'm amazed his breath kept the snow melted! How sweet. My girls and I are hoping he went home to have blackberries and cream for dinner, since he was such a good bunny. LOL.
March 4, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterKeri in CA
I love reading posts like this. How fun! Even here in South Texas, I'd see an occasional bunny, even a cat or two, and plenty of birds (though some of them are the annoying kind). And man, all that snow... how I miss the snow so much... sigh...
March 5, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterSilent Scrapper
LOL So glad you didn't consider the pie idea.. What a sweet little guy.. I would have tried to catch him and bring him inside out of the cold which only goes to show you how much I know about wild life.. LOL!! Great photos!
March 5, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterRobyn
Crouching tiger... hidden bunny... ROFL!

I'm glad your little friend was weathering (no pun intended) the snow. I wouldn't have been able to stand it - I would have been out there with an extension cord and a space heater trying to make him a nice toasty little haven. Which meant I would have drowned the poor little bunny in the water from the melting snow. See... you Canadians are so much smarter than "some of US" when it comes to this kind of thing.

Thank you for sharing ~ this will keep me chuckling all day. :)
March 6, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterCarrie
dassalottasnow to state the obvious
May 28, 2017 | Unregistered CommenterPeppermintpenguin

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