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Did You Hear?

... about Fat Quarter Shop's new Designer Mystery Block of the Month project?

I did it in 2011. 

In fact, you know the project I've been working on these past several days?  I'm using my leftovers from that MBOM quilt.

If you like getting a little package of fabric and a great pattern once a month in your mailbox, this is definitely something you should consider.  I know there were a few months when I was already cutting my new block before the mailman got to the other side of the street! 

The project for 2013 also happens to use Fig Tree Quilt's "Avalon" fabric collection - everything you'd expect from Joanna Figueroa but with a surprise pop of navy. 

I just heard space is selling out quickly.  You can read more about it here and here.  Or go here to sign up.

Now I can cross off "be of service to my quilting friends" from my to-list today. ;)

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Reader Comments (5)

I've been very tempted by this.....you know how I feel about my Fig Tree =)
March 7, 2013 | Unregistered Commenterandrea
Sadly it's a little bit too expensive for me here in germany:-( But I already have Avalon laying around and now I'm waiting for the new AYOS;-) Hildy
March 7, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterHildy
oh man... another bucket list .... love fig tree everything... and you are such a tease! And thank you for the heads up! I got their one in 2008 and I LOVED how they packaged it all and instructions were great - now, that said, I've yet to do it - I am so behind - so I haven't signed up for any more til I get to that one - but I may have to make an exception... I could be a fabric hoarder if I am not careful... kind of scary....so hard to exercise self control... I really don't like exercise of any kind! LOL
March 7, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterBari Jo
I have just found your blog and I love it. In fact so much that I have subscrbed. Thank you so much for showing everything you have.
Patti xxx
March 7, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterPatti
I don't remember seeing your BOM Strawberry Fiedls quilt finished. Have you posted photos? Also, I was thinking about the Blossom quilt from Fig Tree you were working on in pink. If, like me, they're still in the pipeline, please ignore my hectoring :) Just wanted to make sure I hadn't missed them.
March 7, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterMary

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