A Sweet Diversion

Ok. You know Amy, right? She is - for me - one of the loveliest sources of craft-y, fabric-y, sew-y, inspiration out there. So when she posted this photo several weeks ago ...
I was hit pretty hard with a bad case of 'I NEED TO MAKE STRAWBERRY PINCUSHIONS RIGHT NOW OR I WILL SURELY DIE' itis.
Ever had one of those attacks? Where you simply can't concentrate on anything else until you do that creative something? You know, the kind that makes you forget to bathe or feed your family? Yeah. Amy does that to me every once in a while.
So I dropped everything and started making a little strawberry patch of my own. But things got in the way and my berries sat in a corner, unfinished ... until Amy did it to me again last week with this ...
... just the inspiration/motivation I needed to get back to mine.
I've actually wanted to make a strawberry pincushion for years. I even tried once. But the pattern I was using made the strawberry have a "pointy" bottom and I didn't like it. Amy's strawberries have a nice rounded bottom. Why didn't I think of that before?
Her strawberries also have pretty blossoms. But I've been wanting to try this tutorial I'd seen on Pinterest. I love how they turned out, especially with the little pink beads in the center.
Amy also reminded me that I'd bought this ceramic berry carton from Anthropologie a while ago. (What would I do without her?!)
I made these strawberries with my Fig Tree "Strawberry Fields" fabric scraps.
I can be a bit of a literalist that way.
You'd think I'd have scratched my must.make.strawberry.pincushions itch, right?
Well, not exactly ... I still have a few more that need to be picked. ;)
(Amy used Heather Bailey's pattern, if you're interested in making some too.)

Reader Comments (22)
YIKES! these are yummy! Thanks for the great idea you two!
V x
I pressed a lot of "add to cart" buttons that day !!
The strawberries are adorable !
Now what to do.......make sweet strawberry pincushions or eat a bowl of strawberries?
das sind ja himmliche Beeren, also Himmelbeeren. Sie gefallen mir unheimlich gut, das hast du richtig schön gemacht und die Blüten sind klasse.
Liebe Grüße Annerose