"Would You Rather ... ?"

* * * Warning: Today's post contains a little potty humour * * *
My girls - 10 & (almost) 12 - have this "game" where they ask if you'd rather do gross/embarrassing thing #1 or gross/embarrassing thing #2. For example, "Would you rather eat a handful of worms or poop your pants in class?"
It's very entertaining for kids. I get it. Although I thought being a mom of only girls would have spared me from being asked these sorts of questions. Apparently I was wrong. Oh so very wrong. And wow do they ever get creative with their scenarios.
How does this relate to quilting, you're probably wondering?
Well, it got me thinking about what I'd rather do than pin a quilt sandwich together.
I could probably come up with at least a million things.
However, I would definitely rather pin a quilt than eat a handful of worms or poop my pants in public.
Children sure do have a way of helping me put things into perspecitve.

Reader Comments (11)
Your quilt is moving right along!!!
These days, she's a college kid and a courteous barista when she's at work. (BTW I have pooped my pants in a classroom only it was during summer--no public around, whew!) I baste on the floor with a needle and thread and would choose that any day!