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halloween flowers

So much prettier than skulls and spiders, don't you think? :)

You know, I can count on one hand the number of times I've bought flowers for myself.  I've always preferred to spend my pin money on fabric ... and possibly the occasional drive-thru.

And I've always been ... hmmm ... not so good at flower arranging.  I've been hoping all these years that I'd magically somehow be good at it, but that is not turning out to be the case.


I also had this idea recently that if I just drove past the drive-thru once or twice a week instead of ... you know, t.h.r.u. it ..., I could redirect those funds into flowers.  This is my first little bunch.  And I've already learned that these white ones - I think they're called ... oh shoot, now I can't remember ... I thought they were Queen Anne's Lace, but that's not it.  If you know what they are, please tell me!

At any rate, although they look really beautiful in the shop, they are super hard to arrange with - especially for this novice.  So this isn't my favourite look, but the carnations are a lovely orangy-pink.  I thought they'd be nice for Halloween. 

And for you. :) 

Trick or Treat!

*     *     *     *     *

Nov. 1st

I found it!  (Gotta love Google, don't ya?)  That flower is called Green Mist and is from the Laceflower family,  as is Queen Anne's Lace, which is why some of us were fooled.  Read a little more about it here if you're interested.

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Reader Comments (19)

I thought they were queen ann's lace too when I saw your photos. I do like having cut flowers in the house... it just brightens things up so much, so I do treat myself once in a while.
October 31, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterSuper Mom - No Cape!
I think they might be Baby's Breath (Gypsophila paniculata ) ?? They are very commonly used as a filler in bouquets. Pretty !
October 31, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterTerri Mc
Hey Super MOM No Cape (commenter no. 1)...I have made your coin purse several times ! Love it !
October 31, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterTerri Mc
Baby's breath is a much looser flower, I think.
November 1, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterSue B
I'm pretty sure it is cow parsley. I don't know what its latin name is, so I imagine they might have called it something else in the shop. xx
November 1, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterEggs
beautiful little posy K........treats every time! :)
November 1, 2014 | Unregistered Commentergreenrabbitdesigns
Thanks so much Terri Mc. I came back to check Kristyne's post to see if anyone had identified those little white flowers and saw your comment to me. I can't tell you how much it touches and pleases me to know that you have made several change purses from my tutorial. You certainly gave me day a lift!
November 1, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterSuper Mom - No Cape!
Much prettier than skulls--I agree. You did a great job with the arranging. Happy Day!!!!
November 1, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterDonna
Yes, much prettier than skulls! Hope you had a Happy Halloween:-)
November 1, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterHildy
Those are definitely not Queen Anne's lace (aka cow parsley) or baby's breath. I am very familiar with those two plants. I am checking back to see if anyone has identified your mystery flower. Can you ask at the place where you bought them? Mu curiosity is piqued!
November 1, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterMary Ellen
So gorgeous they are!! xo Heather
November 1, 2014 | Unregistered Commentervintage grey
Thank you! I much rather see those lovely flowers than witches and spiders. Why is it we don't think twice about buying a piece of fabric or a notion than buying ourselves a beautiful bouquet of flowers?
November 1, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterMartha Cook
November 1, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterPamela
I agree,why do we not buy flowers for ourselves? Good for you Kristyne! A very nice change indeed! They look very sweet.
November 1, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterBonnie Nyquist
That's a great idea. I have gotten into the habit of picking up a bundle or two every now and then and it is amazing the lift that they give you. And the colours in yours are really lovely. Enjoy them!
November 2, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterMarie
Gorgeous! I started buying a bouquet here and there and it's such a treat!!!!
November 2, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterBari Jo
Lovely. I love fresh flowers around the house, but almost never buy them. One reason is I find it hard to spend money on myself, with our not-so-big family budget. The second is I worry about the environmental impact. Apparently most flowers sold in Belgium are shipped in, from as far as South America! crazy, isn't it? But I think the most important reason is that I like seasonal flowers, cut from the garden or roadside best. I love making little bouquets, or even placing just a few buds or twigs in a jam jar. These small floral pleasures just seem to fit our house better, and the joy of going out into the garden with my tiny flower picking shears (I have shears just for cutting flowers, which I keep in the kitchen drawer, not out in the garden shed) cannot be matched by going to a flower shop!

At this very moment I have a bright blue vase, with the last of the Alchemilla and Cosmos from my garden. The deep purplish pink and the acid yellow look so good together. It's similar to your bouquet in shape, size and color. It's on my blog, right at the bottom of the last post. It's all in Dutch, I just write in whatever language I feel like at the time and lately that seems to be mostly Dutch. Since I don't have any readers that I know of, my blog is really a journal I keep for me, so I don't feel I have to adapt content or form to anyone but myself. (I do censure myself, I don't write anything I wouldn't want my mum or my boss to read ;-))
November 3, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterSara
Could they be allium angulosum (also called mouse garlic)? I have some in my garden (although not at the moment, they 'went over' a couple of months ago) and the flowers look very similar
November 3, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterArchie The Wonder Dog
Kristyne, your flowers are pretty! Sitting here in Wa state sipping my hot chocolate and reading your posts. A perfect Way to spend a Monday afternoon. :-)
I was wondering (am a nurse) How is your iron level doing these days?
November 3, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterBeverly

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