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lost and found easter eggs

As I s.l.o.w.l.y pack up our house for that ever elusive moving date (please don't ask, it will make me cry) I find long forgotten treasures, like this Martha Stewart decoration I made a few years before I became a mom.

I was quite a Martha disciple.  I used to record - and catalog - her show on VHS before she had a studio audience, subscribed to her magazine and made something from almost every issue.  I kept a stack of them on my coffee table and had so much fun decorating my home with Martha Stewart projects.  She even got me into cooking and gardening.  I remember embroidering a few burp cloths when I was pregnant.  I know.  How unpractical can you get?!  LOL!  But I had a dozen white flannel diapers that we used as burp cloths and I always looked for the ones with a little decoration on the corner first.  If I come across them I'll show you.  I know I would NOT have thrown them out.


I made this pretty hanging egg decoration about 15 years ago.  I blew, dyed, ribboned and tied.  And then somehow it ended up way under the staircase in the basement, forgotten.  I can't believe it survived all these years intact, albeit a little faded.  I must have hung it in a window one year because all the eggs are almost white on one side.

It was fun to find and display.   Again.  I'm so looking forward to finding a good spot for it next year.  In the new house.

Happy Easter!

*     *     *     *     *

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but that fabric in yesterday's post that so many of you asked about ... I can't find it.  I got it from this Etsy shop several months ago and it is sold out.  I looked on Etsy and did a Google search but came up empty.  All I have for identification is "Yuwa Live Life Collection" on the selvage ... no print name.  So sorry.  If I come across it again I'll let you know.  I showed it to you as an alternative to cotton tape labels because you can fussy cut fabric to achieve the same look.  I admit this fabric is particuairly fabulous for fussy cutting, but I bet if you take a closer look at the fabrics in your stash, you'll find small details that can become sweet little labels.  Plus there are always new, cute prints coming out.  Now that you know what to look for, I'm sure you'll find that perfect fabric sooner than later. :)


UPDATE:  Sold out.  Again.  Sorry!


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Reader Comments (10)

Your ribbon eggs are beautiful!
April 19, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterTubaville Quilts
They're so pretty!
April 19, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterArchiethewonderdog
I was a Martha Stewart groupie when she had her "teaching" show. I was so disappointed when she changed her format. And I have 3 shelves of her magazines in numerical order in my sewing but don't like the newer ones so I don't have a subscription anymore. If you had a magazine I would get a subscription for sure. ; )
April 19, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterColleen M
Thank you so much for taking the time to look for that fabric that everybody wants. You have such a positive way of giving us the bad, sad news...and I know you are right about if we just look at what we have. Thank you for your wise words and your wonderful, inspirational projects. Love the eggs!
April 19, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterDH
The eggs are really pretty!
April 19, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterHildy
Happy Easter K! :)
V x
April 19, 2014 | Unregistered Commentergreenrabbitdesigns
I love your Easter egg decoration story! Seems the fabric is already sold out. All I can find on-line is a link to Pinterest...so sad.
April 19, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterKaren Seitz
Omg. Made those eggs myself too! Don't have them anymore but it was sure fun making them! I still love Martha and subscribe to her magazine! Thanks for the blast from the past!

Happy Easter to you!!
April 19, 2014 | Unregistered Commenterlori hunstad
fyi - a random google search returned results for some of the yuwa life collection at the following website: https://www.deltapatchwork.com/store.php?cat=124
April 21, 2014 | Unregistered Commenterpbach1
Love your blog!
Just discovered farmers wife quilt, if you don't mind, what percentage did you reduce the template size to make it 4 1/2" finished size?
Eagerly waiting a response:)
April 21, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterSuzette

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