iPad mini + epp = :)

Issue 33 of Love Patchwork & Quilting is out in the UK (and online) today and will hit America next month. I'm a little excited because I've got a project published in it that I hope you'll enjoy. :)
It's always fun to see your work in a magazine. It seems surreal that something you design and plan and make with your own hands and then pop in the mail miraculously appears four months later on the other side of the world ... all ... I don't know ... like something someone else did ... in the pages of a fabulous, glossy, trade publication. I would love to be a fly on the wall of readers when they turn the page and see my thing. Where are they when they read this magazine? Are they in a favourite comfy chair in a corner near a window? In bed? On a train commuting to work? On a coffee break? Do they like it? Do they linger on the page, or perhaps even read about it? Does it inspire them? Are they drawn to the fabric, or the technique, or the finished project itself? Will they actually make it? Will it be kept or gifted? Will a recipient love it and use it? I'll never know the answer to any of these questions, but it's fun to imagine that I might - in some small way - make someone happy.
I made two versions of this project - one traditional and one a little modern. (I'm stretching myself and it feels good!) The editors at LPQ chose the modern version (above) with Lecien's Minny Muu collection and a touch of grey (not my usual white). Here's the other one.
(Skeleton keys? Really? LOL! They have absolutely nothing to do with the subject matter. I'm just getting a little bored with my go-to scissors and spools of thread, but I needed something to fill that blank space and I thought you'd appreciate something new ... plus I kinda like the juxtaposition of the old-world tool with the high-tech gadget.)
As you might have guessed, it's "girly" with a mix of my beloved PamKitty prints from Lakehouse, as well as a handful of assorted Japanese prints of little flowers in bright colours that I never tire of (and at this rate will also never run out of, either!)
(That PamKitty bird with a parasol ... how could I NOT?!)
Lace, of course lace.
And I fussy cut a bit of fabric to make a rose fabric tab on the side.
By the way, if you're looking for English paper-piecing templates, please check out my sweet friend Jessie's shop here. In addition to a great online source for templates, she has lovely Liberty fabrics and a super adorable Block of the Month club ... check it out!
That's all for today. Hope you're having a great week and that your Easter chocolate tooth was satisfied. Mine sure was! xo k

Reader Comments (11)
Wonderful to see your work in magazines - it deserves a wide audience.
Pamkitty beloves you back. Xo