pretty playtime blog tour

Hi there! Welcome to my stop on the Pretty Playtime Quilt Along with Fat Quarter Shop. I'm so excited about this book. It's the first - of hopefully many more - by Elea Lutz. She designs the CUTEST fabrics for Riley Blake and this collection called Strawberry Biscuit is no exception. And to see an entire book of quilts filled with designs custom made for this fabric?! Do.die.for.
I literally whipped up this Basket Block in about an hour because the instructions are so easy to follow (especially if you have a package of Alphabitties!)
Here are all the other lovely ladies on this tour. So many pretty things to see!
Week 2 - Erin from Why Not Sew?
Week 3 - Wynn from Zakka Art
Week 4 - Anorian from Samelia's Mum
Week 5 - Amy from Diary of a Quilter
Week 6 - Renee from Sewn with Grace
Week 7 - Jemima from Tied with a Ribbon
Week 8 - Amanda from Jedi Craft Girl
Week 9 - Debbie from Happy Little Cottage
Week 10 - Tina from Emily Ann's Kloset
Week 11 - Erica from Kitchen Table Quilting
Week 12 - Me
Week 13 - Heidi from Fabric Mutt
Week 14 - Brigitte from The Family Hearth
Week 15 - Lorrie from Sew Mod Designs
Week 16 - Kristin from They Grow Up Too Fast
Congratulations my dear sweet Elea! Looking forward to your next book. :)

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