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happy flower qal week 30

I got several comments about my bow tie "cheat" method from a few weeks ago and it got me thinking about this earlier block (week 22) ...

 I wasn't happy with the first two versions I made (wrong fabrics) but I also "cheated" with that piecing and just made 4 snowballs.  This weekend I bothered to remake it using my bowtie method of avoiding inset seams by appliqueing the squares and triangles onto a 4-patch instead.  Works like a dream! Super loving this block now - both fabric and construction. ;)

Now to this week:

The interesting thing about patchwork, or one of the interesting things, I should say ... at least for me ... is the fabric decision-making process.  Even though this block is about as easy and basic as a patchwork block can be, I am a pro at making a quick block take f.o.r.e.v.e.r because I could literally spend a day choosing the exactly perfect combination of prints.  Funny thing about quilting and perfection.  I rarely achieve what I consider perfect, but I get close.  And I'm never defeated by my frequent inability to please myself.  I just keep looking forward to that next time.  And there is ALWAYS a next time. ;)

Wasn't sure about this one. Didn't really want to do those jagged edged petals. So I didn't.  I made very feeble attempts at making slight waves, but they didn't really work.  Meh.  And I thought that half blossom was a bit weird. I guess when a quilt designer needs to come up with 50 different flower (and a few fruit) blocks, coming up with something "outside the box", literally haha is bound to happen.  That one petal on the right should be tilted a bit more.  But whatever. It's all good. ;)


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Reader Comments (2)

Good advice. I should look forward to the next time but usually give up for a while. Twenty years ago I worked a part time job at a big fabric store. I have / had no problem helping others with their color choices yet I have so much trouble choosing my own fabrics.

Love that lavender fabric. Thank you for this post.
September 26, 2017 | Unregistered CommenterCindy from Sacramento
Thanks for the tip. I'll def consider this method for future tricky blocks. I wasn't too keen on my snowballs. Your latest version is gorgeous, I love the purple.
September 27, 2017 | Unregistered CommenterSarah

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