Mini-Series Monday #5

Gee you guys, thanks so very much for all the tutorial love! I'm so thrilled you like it and that it may have inspired some of you to give it a try ... dreaded zipper and all! :)
I'm sorry I didn't get to replying to you all these past few days ... I've been laid up with a nasty head cold. For the first time in 15 years of marriage, my husband and I have been sick at the same time. We usually "tag" each other with our germs. Haha! Actually, more like hack hack, snork snork, please pass the Kleenex & Tylenol and "Honey, I'll pay you a million dollars to fix dinner for the children" ... he did it for free. ;)
* * * * * *
Ok. I'm fairly certain that if you don't already think I'm a special kind of crazy in the quilting department, this post will convince you FOR SURE.
Original "Spot-On" ...
Mini "Spot On" ...
Love it.
I'm particularly proud of the scalloped top-stitching around the border.
But at 19" square - and finished blocks at 3" - I just kept thinking, "Not small enough."
I kinda sorta accidentally went and made another one.
Itty-Bitty "Spot On" ...
I know! Even CUTER, right?! She's only 14" x 17-1/2".
And the blocks are 2" (finished).
I decided to omit top-stitching altogether for this one. (Except for around the inner border, just to keep everything together.)
Omg I can hardly STAND the cuteness of it all.
(Is it ok for me to say that about my own stuff? Does it sound obnoxious?)
Hope you enjoyed today's double-feature. ;)
Up next week?
Gimme some sugar ... lots and lots of sugar! :)

Reader Comments (35)
You're crazy , that's why we all love you. The first quiltlet is beautiful but the second little sweetie ... just wanna sit before the screen and stare at it ... and stare ... and make my own. Thank you so much, you're such an inspiration;-) Get well soon!
LOVE 'em!!! I love that you included the little fabrics with the hints of red in them. They really work with the quiltlets! Love the itty bitty cross hatching on the first one. I really do love cross hatching anyway. These quiltlets and their very big sister "Spot On" on the ones that I REALLY want to have all my own! Get well soon, K! We had the same bad head colds around here last week. Me, the hubs, and 3 kids. I need some fabric therapy in a bad way!!! :)
I hope you're feeling better. I just love both your minis - they're beautiful! Such soft colors..really nice. You really inspire me to make one. And no, it's not obnoxious - give yourself a pat on the back!
Cute, cute, cute! Too small for me, but you are awesome! Hope you feel better soon. I hate colds!
Absolutely nothing obnoxious about this post - pure gorgeousness!
So cute!! I need to make a mini quilt now
Ok maybe I'm a little slow or haven't been paying attention like I thought I was but Spot on pattern. Where did you find it? I love it with the sashing. The itty bitty one is so darling.
They are both over-the-top cute!
Love them, and also that little flower at the end. Dying to know about that.
Ooooohhhhh! Love them, love them, love them!
Awe bless, it's like the story of the three bears only daddy quilt, mummy quilt and the little baby quilt!! :)
Hope you and hubby are feeling much better!
Vivienne x
O.K. I LOVE reading your blog and I seriously laughed until I cried on the cell phone post (calculator?? phone?? video??). You need to write a book that has all of your mini quilt instructions based off all your favorite Large quilts mixed in with all your humor/honesty/amazing skills. Your meticulous work has really made me raise the bar on my quilting!! I am somewhat new to FMQing as well (I'm a stippling gal) and am so impressed with your flowers!!
K... you are such an incredible lady. I'm always amazed at your posts. How small can you go lady?!? My word!
Just started Dream Big - you inspired me, my mother in law loved the pattern and also happened to find some fabric she loved while she was here it's a surprise Christmas gift in the makings right now. I about drove myself nuts laying it out...and am now wondering HOW IN THE WORLD WILL YOU MAKE IT SMALLER!!!!????
Can not wait to see some sugar!!!!
OMG, OMG, OMG - your double feature was so worth the wait! :-) I love both quiltlets - they are downright adorable.
You continue to amaze!
You're too funny! Those are adorable -- are you going to have a mini wall? Have you started packing yet?
Love them both!!
Oh my gosh, 2 in blocks, with circles, you are amazing!! I honestly would have been happy with the larger one. Can't wait for next Monday :)
I love them both!! Very, very pretty. Now go back to bed while the kids are at school. Really, go back to bed! Hope you are better soon. ;0
After reading this post i think you've had enough sugar lol. Love them all just as stunning as each other . Xxx
Hugs from over seas
Oh my word! What an adorable pattern. It calls out to me after seeing the little itty bitty one. So darn cute.
And the upcoming one...temptation. It'll be a busy fall/winter for me. Yay!
Thanks for the tutorial and demystifying the zipper.
Kristyne they are stunning,well done
Ok, it's official - I can't keep up w/you! I want to keep up w/you. But I can't keep up w/you. You're even sick!? !? To say I adore the double feature is an understatement. Please always let us know what you're buying - I LOVE your stash. Your eye for color and just the right mix is GREAT. Take good care of you! Be well.
Oops! Thought of a question I wanted to ask. Would you please share what you use for a stabilizer when you machine applique? I like soft and so many of the stabilizers end up stiff. Inquiring minds want to know. ;-)
oh it's just too cute!!
A double dose of fabulous cuteness. Wow! Your instincts are spot on! Nice work.
Your quilts are so beautiful. They remind me of roses that have delicate petals but beautiful colors and seem so soft to look at. The minis are really lovely. I love the lattice work in this one. Hope you are better soon. We have had this stuff at our house lately too. Get well and thanks for sharing!
ooohhh.... be still my heart.... adorable..... I want everything you do!
Hope you are feeling better!!! :O) Bari Jo
WOW! WOW!! and even more WOW!~
Super duper adorable cuteness!
How adorable are they? Such soft colors andy our placements ape perfect! I have a table/chairs in my kitchen like yours! That smallest quiltlet is darling..yes.,a book please on the little ones!!! Did my zipper work today and finished my Over The Pond case.Pretty darn sweet I would say!! You are just the best!! I hate colds,and you both down at the same time is not good! Feel better soon! I so look forward to Mondays now!!!
Not obnoxious at all, they are all DIVINE. Love the colour scheme, the middle one is my favourite. Hope you are soon back to 100 oercent.
I'm impressed. So... Next week do we get something with 1" finished blocks? ;)
Each one is so sweet, but of course I love the tiniest one most. Beautiful work...I am also very fond of the scalloped stitching you did in the border. It's just right!
AAAAHHHHH!!!! Oh my GOSH. So adorable I can't stand it. You, and those quilts. And your farmers wife blocks. Good heavens...
Is "Spot On" your own design or a pattern that you purchased. I think it would make a wonderful baby quilt.
lovin the grey. lovin the circles. lovin the supermini. I might make one of those.