OK. Did This Really Happen?

Hello friends!
Today I have some exciting/terrifying news, depending on what frame of mind I'm in at any given moment. I'm super proud of this news and I've been wanting to share it with you for a while, but I'm also kinda sorta shy & nervous about it too.
Deep breath. Here goes.
This past summer, Lecien got wind of my deep and abiding love for their Flower Sugar line. (See evidence of this love affair here, here and here.) If you've been reading my blog - even for just a little while - this romance is no secret.
Well, Lecien asked me - ME for heaven's sake! - if I would design a quilt using their NEW Floral Collection Flower Sugar fabric line and make it for their Houston Quilt Market booth to promote the line launch.
Oh and could I also write up a FREE pattern for it to be posted on their website so absolutely ANYONE in the whole entire WORLD could make it if they wanted?
Would I?
Oh WOULD I!!!!!!
First, I squealed (be careful what you wish for).
Then I freaked out 'cause - more often than not - I'm totally silly and forget to act like an adult.
And then reality hit and I had a small panic attack - omg, I am SO not qualified to do this!
I'm not an artist. I'm not a designer. I've never even taken an art class! (Well I started Art 10 in high school, but only because I heard they were teaching Ukranian Easter Egg making ... so I made an egg - white, pink & purple instead of the traditional black, red & orange - and then I dropped out.)
Where was I? Oh yes, spewing my insecurities. I'm just a stay-at-home mom who's been quilting for ... 25 years? and has made over ... 200 quilts? ... and has a deeply rooted passion for fabric and color and quilts of all kinds ... ... ... ok, well, maybe I do have enough skills & experience to pull this off.
But what if no one likes it? What if everyone hates it? This quilt isn't just for me and my little home, it's for the world to see and judge.
"Listen you ... (what's my new self-talk name? Oh yeah ...) you Smokin' Hot Quilter Chick, you can do this. You've made how many quilts? And you've taught how many classes? And you have a very strong sense of what YOU love, right?"
So then I took a deep breath, grabbed a pencil and started doing what I have loved doing for decades - playing with beautiful fabric for the pure joy of making something pretty that makes my heart happy. All I can do is my best, right? So that's what I did.
Oh, and there's also the thing about the Marketing Director of Lecien. She is highly regarded and I'm pretty sure she wouldn't have asked if she didn't have confidence in me. I had to trust that. (Thank you, Nireko!)
Well, I made the quilt in August and shipped it off early September. I'd show you pictures of it now, but I was a TOTAL MAJOR DOOFUS NIMROD and forgot to take pix. I know. I hang my blogging head in great shame over that boneheaded move.
But I CAN tell you it's called "Sugar Sugar". Here are a few of my preliminary sketches (and leftover flowers). In the end, I ditched the vines - they made the design too busy.
And here are the fabrics I used for the quilt. At least I can show you these. :)
See, I decided to take a very analytical approach to the design. The purpose of this quilt is to show off the fabric collection. For me, that means using all the colors and as many of the 27 prints as possible (I managed 25).
The pattern also had to fit on one page so the design needed to be simple for easy and short instructions.
Then I got it in my head that I wanted the subject of the quilt to reflect the fabric collection somehow ... you know, so people could associate the quilt design with "Flower Sugar". Easy. Appliqued flowers ... dozens of them!!
I also played around with the idea of adding "sugar" as a design element, but I quickly abandoned unsatisfactory attempts to depict sugar cubes and/or heaping teaspoons and settled on the idea of flowers scattered on fields of white ... sugar. ;)
Isn't this collection just delicious?
Oh, and I can also show you the trimmings from all 75 appliqued flowers. :)
When I get the quilt back (that may be a while, I just found out it's going on a little Trans-Pacific tour to Japan and then China for a few more trade shows!) I'll be able to show you pictures of it then ... and I'm sure I'll be subjecting you to a few more photos of it hanging in the Lecien booth with me standing in front of it - you know, for my mom. ;)
Tomorrow I'll show you something else I made with this fabric. You can probably already guess what it is if you've been following my blog for a while. You know ... with all the BAGS I've made? And the LITTLE things I've made?
Come on you guys, I simply canNOT put these dots any closer together for you! ;)

Reader Comments (62)
OMgosh!!!!!!! Congratulations, you are SO deserving of this. I am sure the quilt is knock out gorgeous and I can't wait to see a picture of you standing next to it. Your mom and all of your "friends" are so proud of you :)
Excited to see pictures of the new bag/project!
Congrats to your quilt, Lecien definitly ask the right one to do it! I know even without pictures that the quilt is wonderful because it's a) Lecien and b) designed by you, SHQC!
Congrats Kristyne!!! I told you the angels were singing. I am soo looking forward to seeing this new creations.
Take care,
Carole Y.
Applause, applause - this is wonderful news! I do LOVE Flower Sugar and have some hoarded for a 'some day' quilt. teehee!!!
Can't wait to see your quilt. And, by the way, I've connected the dots. LOL
Wow, HUGE congrats to you !!!!! You are soooooo worthy of this !!!! I am a relatively new reader of your blog but love love love checking in everyday to see what you are working on !!! Your work is just georgouse seriously :) Thankyou so much for all of your inspiration !!
Congratulations!!! How wonderful. And these fabrics are Gorgeous!!!
I am SO excited for you and have every confidence that you will have a very successful quilt tour with your new creation! I have followed your blog for about a month now and truely enjoy checking in with you everyday!
Three cheers for the new talent in the industry ( and it couldnt have been a better choice) hip hip huray ,hip hip huray ,hip hip huray.
Congratulations im so thrilled for you and it couldnt have happened to a better person.how can you question your talent? Look at the ladies that follow your blog .i for one come back every day ( afternoon here over seas) and can never wait to see what you have done next ,
Keep on going please never stop
Love and hugs from over seas
Vikki xxx
I knew it, I knew it, I knew it!!! You are meant to be in the business!!! SO very, very happy for you! I'm so excited...I get to see the quilt in person! If I wasn't sure about going to Market before, I'm definitely going now! And a quilt pattern out of the deal? Love it! And another Kristyne bag? You're speakin' my language! :)
Dear RSSHQC (Rock Star Super Hot Quilting Chick!),
Awesome news! Exciting news! I am thrilled for you. Can't wait to see the quilt, the pattern, and the new little somethings you made with the fabric. And I'm going shopping. Love that fabric!
Hugs, Marge
Wow, fabulous achievement, and so exciting for you. Does this mean you get to go to Houston and hang out at the booth! If so, double wow! You are a professional quilter now.
This is SOOO exciting! I can't wait to see the finished product- and the little projects :). Congrats to you!!
I am doing a happy jig over here for you!!! :o)
Congratulations! I am so happy for you! :o)
Sincerely, Trish
Congratulations! Your work is beautiful, so I'm not surprised it's been recognized by the higher-ups.
What an enormous honor! I can't wait to see what you have created!!! It is sure to be fabulous!! Those fabrics are scrumptious!!
Major, major, major congratulations!!! I'm sure your quilt is beautiful! I noticed these fabrics in a prior post and was wondering where the gorgeous red came from and now I know. I can't imagine having to design a quilt with all those 'rules'.
This is beyond fantastic... but you already knew that! Congrats on a delicious project! And I, ahem, can't wait to see it ;)
SHQC.......AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Yep, screamed that!!! Okay, now it is for sure....when you're in Houston I'll be going north of the border.
Picture this: ding dong(doorbell ringing) Door opens. "Excuse me, sir, are you Mr. SHQC?" Husband is too good hearted to know how ruthless I am replies, "Well, yes I am."
Now I know I have the right house to STEAL ALL THAT SUGAR FLOUR FABRIC!!
Oh Miss K, no pictures until Houston??!! I guess I can wait. :( sob, sob
Remember, you ARE awesome and you deserve this and much more. :)
Sugar, sugar...ah honey, honey....Way to go you SHQC! What an exciting opportunity and you so qualify...took too long for you to get recognized! I am thinking a new bag for Market will be showing up soon...along with a new Mini Monday! Lisa in Texas
So happy for you! Since I have been reading your blog I have been so impressed with your sense of style and your abilities that I am not surprised that your talents have been requested by a fabric company.
Who knew that all of the years you have spent petting and loving fabric would lead you to such a wonderful opportunity. Enjoy it, you deserve it.
WOWEE....CONGRATULATIONS!!! I have thinked they have chosen a fabulous person to design a quilt for their fabric....which I 150% agree with you is just so yummy! Can't wait to see your quilt.
Wow! Congrats! See, now you have three things to be super proud of:
1. Thay asked you to design and make a quilt for them.
2. You made a super pretty quilt (since I'm sure it is).
3. You managed to keep quiet about it!
Would you say the third one's more impressive? :p
You're hysterical! Ummm...I see fabric. And I see flowers. But....I don't see any dots????
Can't. Wait. To see THE Quilt!!!
Oooooo! Congratulations! :-)
Congratulations!!!! You are living a fantasy that I'm sure most of us have had :). I can't even imagine how exciting that phone call must have been. Can't wait to see your beautiful quilt - that fabric is so gorgeous! Congrats again.
Many, many congratulations - I am looking forward to seeing your quilt ..... and a very proud YOU standing in front of it!!
I should have been sewing this afternoon, but knuckled down and started sorting through hundreds ans hunderds of photos (I know, I should do it regularly). I've done May to start of Sept, and have several folders to transfer to my external hard drive. I was just about cross-eyed by the time I stopped for dinner!!
Again, many congrats!!
Totally awesome! You are amazing and don't you ever forget that! =)
You are soooo funny! Smokin' Hot Quilter Chick, - I'm going to start using that! Good for you, I love everything you do and check your blog daily. Let us know when the pattern is up, want to make sure I get that!
Oh, wow, woot, wow, yay, omg, omg, omg! What a wonderful honor for you and congratulations!
Really smoking super hot quilting chick has a quilt on show with fabulous fabrics and more news building for tomorrow.
That deserves a serious happy dance, a cup of tea and a loud woohooo for you.
I can't wait to see pictures, get the pattern and attempt it. My beginner nerves will be shaking...lol
Most excellent news. :D
Congratulations!! That is so exciting for you, can't wait to see the finished quilt!
"show them your quilt" ... "show them your quilt" ... :0)
Krystine ... what can I say - how can I put into words how incredibly proud I am of you - really really proud!!!!!
You are a star ... not a star in the making - but a REAL, TRUE STAR ...
oodles and poodles of love and happiness from me to you!
What clever people those Lecien people are....and I am SEW glad of it. Means I too can make a cute quilt like the one I always admire on your blog. Congrats and I am sure this is only the first of many blessed things that will come your way. You are so deserving!!!!
Congratulations SHQC! The cream always rises to the top! This is fantastic news,very well deserved!! I am a newer follower of your blog,and I can see you have very specail talents, Lucky Lecien people! The fabric is beyone beautiful, loved looking at your sketch of the qiilt,I love pieced and applique!! This is just wonderful news,and Houston takes on a whole new meaning now!!! Iwould bet we will all make this quilt!!! Happy and wonderful news!
well done Kristyne i hope it is the start of many lovely openings for you.xx
That is so exciting for you and that you kept it a secret!!! Way to go. I am excited to see it. Way to put yourself out there.
I am in awe. You are so very deserving of this. I first saw your blocks on flickr FWQAL, and I sensed greatness. In addition, I couldn't help myself - I bought 11.5 yards of Flour Sugar fabric. I'd never seen it before, and your blocks are so darned gorgeous! Your piecing is excellent, and your color combinations are very skillful. Thank you!
Kristyne, oh how wonderful, I can hardly wait to see this stunner, WOW!!!
So first congratulations! Second you have me now in a great state of anticipation to see your Sugar Sugar quilt with 75 (wow!) appliqued flowers in that gorgeous fabric. How much do expect us to be able to take! :-) We are so excited and happy for you. How long do we have to wait to see the quilt? Counting the minutes.... K-
Congratulations!!!! Your work is so inspiring.....I wonder what took them so long to figure out how good you are? Enjoy! I have only been reading your blog of a few weeks....ever since I saw it listed on Camille's, and it is now the first blog that I read daily. Keep up the great work ;)
A HUGE Congratulations. I can't wait to see your creation. I am so super excited for you. Well done xx
Congratulations SHQC! What an honor! And such lovely fabrics to work with!
Kristyne, I have posted earlier on your wonderful news. I have had another thought. I am wondering if the wonderful ladies who love your work as much as I do, have any interest in having a Sugar Sugar Quilt along after the fabric and pattern are out,perhaps in Jan after the Holiday rush is over? Just sayin"
Houston seems like a long time away now...after your news!
OH MY GOSH!!! Bonnie has an EXCELLENT idea! I already own some Flour Sugar. I just need the pattern....come on, Lecien! ;0
Awesome! Looking forward to seeing the quilt.
I am so so excited for you Kristyne...what an amzing opportunity for you! Have to admit, I;m also excited for me, because I can't wait to make your quilt (I have NO DOUBT it is to die for!). How have you managed to keep this a secret? I would be busting!
Congratulations!!! I can't wait to see what you design. YOU CAN DO THIS!!!
That is so very exciting. Congratulations! I sure enjoy your blog. Will look forward to seeing the completed quilt. Way to go, you Smokin' Hot Quilter Chick!!
What fabulous news - congratulations! Tickled pink for you and so looking forward to seeing some photos of your quilt.
Wow, congratulations!!! That is something I have always wanted to do, design. I can hardly wait to see your quilt!
Congratulations! How exciting for you! Of course the Smokin' Hot Quilter Chick could design a beautiful quilt - we could have told you that!! Can't wait to see it.