"Sugar Sugar" Market Bag

Once again, I am left feeling totally awed and so deeply grateful for all your lovely comments and overwhelming support yesterday.
(Where WERE you guys when I was in Grade 3 and Linda would pour sand in my hair at recess? Or in Grade 5 when Kathy would threaten to beat me up after school? Or in high school when the "sorority" girls would make fun of my clothes?)
I would have replied to each and every one of you, but on account of the snot factory still working overtime in my head, my husband being out of town all week, a last minute trip to the Doctors yesterday (for my daughter - nothing serious) and helping someone study for a test last night, I just didn't have it in me. PLEASE accept this one-size-fits-all hug and great big deep-from-the-bottom-of-my-heart thank you from me. Kay?
Something else unexpected happened yesterday too. I got a photo (professional and EVERYTHING) of my Sugar Sugar quilt from the lovely Lecien people. So I get to show it to you after all! (gulp)
(I even FMQed it all by myself with my newly acquired fancy schmancy flowers!)
I was surprised by a few comments yesterday suggesting a Sugar Sugar quilt-a-long for the new year. (Thanks Bonnie & Ina!) I would absolutely LOVE to host one. If you would be so kind to let me know via a comment if you'd be interested, I'll look into it and let you know. :) The pattern is free and will be downloadable from the Lecien website in a few weeks, I think. I'll keep you posted.
Ok. Now on to today's business. :)
I know, I know. There are like a bazillion patterns out there called "Market Bag". And they usually mean SUPER market or FLEA market or FARMER's market.
But not this one. Nope. This bag was designed BY me FOR me for QUILT Market! (5 more sleeps!!!)
I had so much fun making my last Quilt Market bag based on a quilt designed by Camille that ... well, I decided to do the same thing based on my own quilt design this time.
The white background fabric (with PINK polkadots) is from Lecien's basics line. Same goes for the green dot I used for the handles & bottom and the tiny yellow & green gingham flower centers.
I even fussy cut a little flower and made it into a "designer" tag. Just because. ;)
And I don't know WHAT it is about this polkadot / floral print, but I LOVE it. If I were brave - and about 20 years younger - I'd make myself a dress out of this print. Seriously. Like a cute little sundress with a sweetheart neckline, cap sleeves, fitted bodice & a big twirly skirt, possibly tiered. Or maybe more of a pencil skirt with a slit up the back.
I couldn't use it for the pieced strips or appliqued flowers because the white background would just melt into the white panels. But I pieced together almost every last bit I had to make this lining.
So I'll be lugging this "Market" bag around Houston like a great big walking, talking "Flower Sugar" advertisement. Hopefully people will see it, fall in love with Flower Sugar the way I have and ask me where to get it. I will send them STRAIGHT to Lecien! :)

Reader Comments (62)
I would be VERY interested in any project that justifies me buying more Flower Sugar...so that's a big YES from me to the quilt-a-long question :) So pleased that you were able to share a photo of Sugar Sugar...I just KNEW it would be gorgeous! Again, huge congratulations...you are such a clever chickie!
Dear Hot Quilter Chick :-) Your Flower Sugar quilt is beyond adorable. Love it!!!
And, the Market Bag is to die for - well not literally LOL
I too would be interested in a quilt-a-long. I love Lecien's Flower Sugar fabric.
Your new quilt is soo happy. I love everything about it. Your bag of course is perfect.
Once again congratulations.
Take care,
Carole Y.
What a wonderful bag. I love making bags and yours makes me want to get back into the sewing room with some non-dietic sugar. It is just beautiful as is your lovely quilt. Congratulations on your achievements with your craft and life!
Love love love that quilt !!!!! and I would LOVE a quiltalong !!!!! Soooo hoping that you decide to do it !!!! Your bag is just perfectly perfect, wish that I had one :), May really have to work on my bag making skills :) !!!
Hugs and hoping that you are feeling better very soon !!!
I love your market bag and quilt. Congratulations!
Wow, I love both!
Cute bag! I'll be at market also, and i'm going to be running to the lecien table to "hopefully" get some of that lovely flower sugar!
What a wonderful quilt and don't get me started on the bag!
You LUCKY GIRL! I love leicen fabrics. I bought a stack of fat quarters of Sugar Flower. I'm using it to make a nine patch on point, with a plain white square between each nine patch for a quilt to cover a bed in my spare room. I'm hoping I have enough....Does the new Flower Sugar line blend in with the old one? Are the colors the same or brighter?
Your quilt is beautiful as is the bag, you're one clever lady. :)
Happy weekend,
Vivienne x
I think you need to do a tutorial on how you make your bags!! I love this one and the one you did out of Camille's fabric! PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE! =)
How cute! Both the quilt and the bag. I was online yesterday looking for Lecien Flower Sugar in a QS near me........and found I'll be driving an hour and a half to get it! Or, I'll have to order online. I'd rather see in person before I decide which and how much etc. Know what I mean?
Off to make some of those little bags from a couple of weeks ago. Gotta start on some Christmas gifts.
Hugs to you Rock Star Super Hot Quilter Chick.
love the quilt AND the bag.
I would definitely be interested in the Quilt Along and the bag...I saw what you made for Camile and fell in love with it! and if you're bottling up your talent, I'd buy a bottle of that too ;) Love your work!!
Lecein knew what they were doing when they asked you to create a quilt for them. Your quilt is beautiful (as are all of your creations). What a great fabric line you had to work with and you definitely did it justice. I love your blogs and you have certainly motivated me to spend more time in my sewing room creating fun gifts as well as quilts. Thank you so much. Lynette
Okay i love the quilt i adore the market bag and have now fel in love with the fabric .
I would love to do a quilt along sadly i cannt find any one over here who is gonna supply sugar sugar :( maybe i could join in if its easy and use another fabric line?
Hope you feel better soon
Hugs from over seas
Vikki xxx. ( p.s i emailed my embroidery)
Beautiful quilt and bag, would love a quilt along too :)
OK, I'm going to be the one hiding behind Ina when she knocks on your front door while your away at market!! I would put my good sense on the sideline to have a go at your stash!!! Honestly, your creativity and talent blow my mind! I'm not surprised Lecein scooped you up! First class for you all the way!!!
Also I would L O V E to be included in a sew-a-long!!!
I'am so very happy for you!!
I LOVE your bag and now I have to have one, too. I saw a woman in her 70's at Quilt Expo last month in a very definitely 1950's style dress (and polka-dotted) and she looked fabulous. Since I'm pretty sure you're no where near that age, I say go for it if you want a fun dress made from a flower and polka-dot fabric. I think it would be darling!!!
Every SHQC needs a awesome bag for market!!! I wish the bags I make looked so professional on the inside. ;0 I LOVE it! I LOVE the quilt!! It's so beautiful!
Miss SHQC pack your bags! Yeeee Haaaa! Texas awaits your arrival. ;0
I'm in on a Flour Sugar quilt along....yay Bonnie for the idea! Yay SHQC for inspiring me! ;0
Absolutely love the quilt and the bag!!! Would love to know how to make the bag - I'm so intimidated to even try a bag. Maybe if you post a tutorial, I can try it. You make things seem so doable. I'd probably hop in and join you for a quilt along as well. This fabric is sooo fun.
Wow -- the PERFECT bag for a Super Hot Quilter Chick! Can't wait to see it!!!
Love the quilt, Love the bag!! Have fun at Market!! We want to hear all about it :).
Me too I 'd like to join you in a Quilt a Long of Sugar Flower.
I had more fat quarters of them and I'd like to use them in a special project ^__*
Congratulations on a well-deserved commission, and a wonderful quilt! It's gorgeous and shows off the fabric collection beautifully. Nice bag, too! Enjoy the limelight, and Quilt Show.
There was a slight pause, as I abandoned you to see if I could buy Flower Sugar fabric over here (my local quilt shop doesn't have it) ...... and, yes, yippee, I can get it online. Your quilt is fabulous and I love your bag. It's ten years since I last went to Houston - to the quilt show, not Market ...... I would love to go again!
Oh, what a beautiful quilt. I'd love to do a sew-a-long.
That market bag is adorable. The dress idea would rock as well. Make it in a style that flatters you and go for it. There's no age limit on what you can wear. (I need to keep telling myself that, too lol)
If only my local quilt shop carried Lecian, but no. :(
Have fun with that gorgeous bag while at the Market.
Count me in for a quilt-along...your quilt and bag are both AH-mazing! So glad I found your blog...I'm going to make some of the cases you've featured for Christmas gifts!
Have fun at Market! :)
Wow so super duper cute!! Congrats!
OMG look at what happens when I miss a day of blogland. Patterns happen! Congratulations on the show of support from the sugary people. It must be such a rewarding feeling. And I'm jealous that you're going to market, and I'm not.
that bag is so cute, have fun at market
Oh Kristyne.....I am so happy for you!!! Your blog is so much fun to visit. You are one very talented gal. When I was first visiting your blog late summer and watching you design your wonderful school bags for your daughters my thought was, "she could be selling these patterns she is designing". I am tickled to hear you have been discovered! Just awesome. A great big hug and congratulations! Your quilt is beautiful--and your bag is super. Have a great time at market.
P.S. I would be interested in a possible quilt a long.
eeeeeeeeek! how beautiful is that quilt!?!??!?!?!!!!!!!!!! like SUPER! i would love to do a quilt a long.... how fun and so girly! Lecien is lucky to have you! and I sooooo adore your market bag! awesome awesome all around hot chickie quilting girl! ;)
YES!!!!!!!! I would love a quilt -a-long.....Sounds amazingling fun. i love your quilt and your blog.. It is very inspiring
I would be very interested in a quilt along with this fabric. I finally cut into mine (and it didn't even flinch, neither did I!) It sat too long and I got over my fear of ruining it by cutting it up. I will cut it up some more to make your beautiful quilt!
WOW WOW WOW ...... love your quilt and your bag :o) Think I need to make both and hey if you have a quilt-a-long that would be a lot of fun too
That is so beautiful!! Great job!!
Totally love this post and I am totally with you on the snot factory thing going on. I am so over it... anyway where does all this snot come from, I mean it just can't keep going... can it.
Thanks for making me laugh OUT LOUD.
love me :-)
I think I went to school with those same mean girls. I'm sure karma caught up to them along the way.
Love the quilt and bag! Love everything you make! I only have one quilt under my belt and another just started, but I would love to join you in a quilt along of that beautiful quilt.
Congratulations on your success!
Looks like "Hot Quilter Chick" is a name that's going to stick! The quilt is fabulous and the bag is so awesome. Nice job on both. Have fun at market. Can't wait to hear everything when you get back.
i just have been looking over and over at the beautiful quilt and bag! What a creative idea,and that little flower amongst the polks dots on that bag just spoke to me! Nice surprise to see the actual quilt, it is awesome! Gee,we are getting so spoiled with your beautiful designs! Yes to a quilt a long, can you tell us the size of the quilt and fabric requirements? I have to start shopping online. none available in my area.I also noted yours stitching around the flowers, I am so used to automatically using my blanket stitch,it is refreshing to see beautiful stitching. That one chubby flower is myfavorite!!!
What fun! Try Mucinex to help that mucus and be well for Houston!! Oh goodness, can we plan on pictures??? The idea of that bag and a quilt is over the top!!
Mmm yummy fabrics and your quilt is just divine!! Oh and I love your bag too, I definitely need one of those!!
I love your bag and the quilt. You are my inspiration. I love everything you do.
Thanks for sharing your great creations.
So both the quilt and the bag are absolutely darling! Now I really can't wait to make one. I love the wide variety of flower shapes and the colors are amazing. Your bag is super cute! Use it proudly. You did a wonderful job. Hope you feel well soon! Glad we could see a picture. K-
Wow! What a beautiful quilt you have designed and I love your bag too :). I'm in the UK and am hoping I will be able to find a UK supplier for the Leicen Sugar Flower fabric. I would love to be able to follow a quilt a long for your quilt, I've never done a quilt along before (well I've only made a couple of quilts and bags so far - I've found patchwork a little late in life ). Can I buy the bag pattern anywhere?
Love your blog.
Love Sally x
PS No way are you too old to wear a pretty dress out of floral polka dots, don't start thinking like that at your tender age :)
I'd gladly join your Q-A-L, the quilt is fabulous and as for the bag well what can I say - bring on the markets let's all take-a-long a bag like yours.
Wow, what a beautiful quilt! It really displays those gorgeous fabrics so well. And I want the bag!! Is there a pattern for it available somewhere? Please sign me up for the Sugar Sugar quilt a long. I hope you have a wonderful time at the quilt market!
I LOVE your quilt and the market bag! All for a flower sugar quilt-a-long. Yet I would really love to see a tutorial on how you made your bag. I absolutely love it and want one for myself! Congratulations! You are definitely one creative quilt diva!
K, could you not use those newer fusible sheets for the applique flower templates? Just scan the template in your computer, print off how many you need , match them up to the flower template and press, and cut it out, stitch and there you go! I will look up the name of what I use if you are not familiar with it. If a person wanted to use needle turn, just cut it out adding a seam allowance. This will be such a fun project!