Daisychain Sampler D

Just a quiet monochromatic letter today.
Mostly in stem stitch - my favorite stitch of all time. I love its twisty, rope texture. And it doesn't betray uneven stitches like the backstitch. (That backstitch is SUCH a tattletale ... gets me EVERY time!)
Another new thing for me - making a lazy daisy stitch curved by tacking it down.
Very clever, Miss Alicia! Thanks for teaching me something new. I'm more smarterer than I was yesterday. ;)

Daisychain Sampler,

Reader Comments (6)
You're not just the Smokin' Hot Quilter Chick but also the Smokin' Hot Embroidery Chick, right;-)
Lovely in its simplicity!
Looking beautiful!
Oh, so now you are the More Smarter Rock Star Smokin' Hot Quilter'd better embroider some more letters!
Gorgeous in it's simplicity.
Oh the things I learn here. This winter is going to be a bit busy and that's a good thing.
I love reading your just seem so centered and happy with yourself....
I need to know what sampler you are embroidering....did you say and I missed it?
Thanks so much.