Project Simplify - Day 34

Pillow #2 is based on the "Coming Home" Quilt.
I had a few charm squares left over from the quilt and thought a pillow would make a nice compliment to the table topper (my helper has informed me she's keeping it ...)
I chickened out on the top-stitching (again) and did the 'ole cross-hatch. But I regret it now. Because the quilt & pillow don't have the same finish, they don't quite look like a set to me.
Oh well, they're so easy to make I'll do another one - properly, this time. :)
And I did my sneaky pieced back again. It works like ... a charm!
(Sorry, couldn't resist.)

Project Simplify,

Reader Comments (9)
It looks very pretty. I love the cross hatch quilting.
You are awesome at making all of these book projects. I think you should send them all to my house so that you have room to start your next book :)
I haven't used cross-hatching in a long time - I could feel a bout of it comimng on!! Another lovely cushion!
I'm running out of lovely adjectives to describe your work Kristyne!
You know I love it all. :)
Beautiful pillow...as always your work is impecable!
I think the cross hatch top quilting is a great compliment and contrast to the top quilting on the table topper. Both are just beautiful!
Oooooh, but I love that they're quilted differently. They're the same, yet different. And beautiful!
I really got pillow envy! I love your backs, it´s a great idea!
I love your fabrics. So feminine. The pieced charm square backs look wonderful.