Project Simplify - Giveaway

Don't you all think it's time for me to have another Project Simplify giveaway? Yeah, me too! ;)
I mean, this project is all about Camille's book, right? And she & her mom design fabric, right? And Camille did give me this very fabric that I used to make this pillow cover. I think my "Little Ruby" pillow here would love to live with a Project Simplify reader.
From Bonnie & Camille's pretty imaginations, to Camille's sewing room, to my sewing machine, to your home. I like that idea very much.
So, if you'd like a chance to win this pillow (cover only, not the filler) ...
Wait. Hang on a sec. I'm not done. The comments some of you left on Wednesday that reminded me Ruby wasn't yet available in stores got me to thinking.
See, Camille ALSO gave me this yummy Ruby layer cake. Cause she's just that nice.
I WAS going to keep it for myself. But now I feel all guilty that I've had a chance to play with Ruby and you haven't. (Plus I still have a FQ bundle for myself.) So I'm going to share like my mother taught me and offer it as a second giveaway!
So here's the deal.
Two separate giveaways. First name drawn wins the pillow cover. Second name drawn wins the Ruby layer cake.
To enter, leave a comment telling me your favorite quilt or pillow from Project Simplify so far and why you like it.
Comments will close 9:00 pm EST (North America) on Monday, June 27th and I'll announce the winners on Tuesday the 28th.
Good luck, everyone and enjoy the first weekend of summer! I'll be busy fending off mosquitos that are this big ...
Seriously. I might need a transfusion by Sunday.

Reader Comments (74)
I love following project simplify!! I am a novice quilter and your willingness to show your errors is very reassuring. I love knowing that I am not the only one going thru the repetitive trials and errors while learning how to machine quilt.
I adore your interpretation of Sugar Rush. I think your fabric choices are fantastic. It's definitely my favorite so far. I have a 7yo daughter and she thinks it's the prettiest too... which of course is the more important opinion in the house. lol
Oooohhh... so fun! I really like all of them, but your "Flower Garden" is so pretty... (and let's face it, recent, so it's easier for me to pin point!) Love that pillow! :) And the fabric. If ever I don't hate my machine I would love to sew with some Ruby!
Thanks for sharing!
I don't think it would matter what the project was, as long as Ruby was used, I would be in love. I adore this new line & cannot wait until it's in stores to buy :)
I love the scallops of sugar rush and how you converted it into that fabulous bag. I've only just received some hard to find Bliss today which would love to play with some new Ruby.
Hahaha, the mosquitoes in NC are getting pretty feisty too. Ulgh. In happier news, that pillow would look perfect with the quilt I'm making for my bed out of Bliss. (wink, wink, nudge nudge) Of course, if I had to, I'd settle for a layer cake instead. Seriously, hope you have a good weekend, and thanks for such a generous giveaway! Oh, and so far, my favorite project has been your girly version of "little man."
Hi Krystine,
How fun to be having a giveaway! Okay and to make us pick our favorite quilt or pillow? Yikes, I am not sure I can do this. I really do love the Spot On pillow you made. I am drawn to circles for some reason and I adore your fabric choices. I also really like the Sweet Pea quilt. Oh what the heck....I like everything you have made so far!
Have a wonderful weekend, I am planning on doing lots of quilting. I sure those monster skeeters don't get the best of you......
I adore everything that Camille and Bonnie have done--fabrics, patterns, and especially "Simplify." I am so thrilled to have found your blog--you have inspired me! I love Moonlight but I really love the Sugar Rush bag because I can't WAIT to get my hands on that Ruby!
Thank you for the chances to win!
Well everything you have made is beautiful but without a doubt I love the ''Moonlight Quilt', stunning! Thank you for a chance to enter your giveaway.
I do hope the mosquitos aren't that big! ;)
Have a great weekend Kristyne.
Vivienne x
I have enjoyed following your projects. It is hard for me to pick between the one you are giving away (love the colors with the white) or project #2. The pastels are so pretty (just love the quilt that matches the pillow). All of your projects have been beautiful, love the colors you use. Thanks for the chance to win such great gifts.
You are too sweet!!! A Ruby giveaway! I need a minute to catch my breath! ;)
Loving all of the pillows and quilts. They are helping me to broaden my quilting horizon with the varied fabric choices and fmq techniques. Hands down, my favorite pillow is "Little Ruby"! So clean and bright and cheerful! The quilts? I really love your take on "Little Man" and also, "Spot On" (Moonlight). Beautiful! :)
Ever since I got my own copy of Simplify, I have been dying to make sugar rush. That might also have something to do with the fact that I just found out I'm pregnant with my 1st!!!! Wouldn't that quilt be darling for a wall hanging in a baby's room?! Can't wait to get my hands on some Ruby, it's gorgeous!
Thanks for the chance to get some of my own, early! :)
Oh man, you are a lifesaver! Total highlight of my morning - Now, I'm giddy with your blog. Which is my favorite?!? oh, my word.....
Well, I LOVE the Sugar Rush bag (hmm...not a Project Simplfy) ummm.... it's so hard - especially with Little Ruby being so fresh. I'm going to say "Little Lady - adorable colors, love the ric rac!
You are a dear to share your Ruby work and stash - thank you! I think it should be a requirement that whoever wins the layer cake has to share what they create!
Watch out for those skeeters!
I really like all of the projects, I just can't pick one.
I have to say that your "Moonlight" quilt is my fav....looking at it makes me want to curl up on the sofa and read with a soft quilt on my lap. Of course, the Happy Go Lucky pillow is pretty cool, too, with the stones quilting :). Thanks for sharing your quilt journey and the beautiful fabric!
Oh my....such beauties. My favorite is Spot On Pillow.......well at least in this moment. It seems when I see the next one, it becomes my favorite. It is like my children...I love them all!!!! I would love that Ruby fabric for a yet to be conceived grandchild. One can hope can't she?
I really like Coming Home, but to be honest how can we just pick one!! Have to say I love moonlight in those colours. Linda
Ah, you really give me a hard time. Which project I liked most? Honestly I adore adore all projects (that the reason why I bought the book last year)! But my favorite so far is Coming Home because this quilt I made myself (with Cotton Blossoms also) and I found I so easy to sew (not quilted yet, sorry) that I will made a few of them as birthday present for my friends. Of course Iin their colors;-) BTW I love ruby so I desperatly hope to win!
All I read was GIVEAWAY and I'm posting!! I have no idea what the rules are or what I'm supposed to do! I'm IN!!! I'm IN!!! I'm tapping my toe right now....shouldn't Miss K be drawing a name at noon today??!! ;0
Hey, over here??!! OVER HERE!!!! ;0
I bought Camille's book as soon as it came out, but I have not used any of her patterns yet! I know, crazy. I have loved seeing everything you have done so far. It's great motivation. I love love your "moonlight" quilt. Blue and white is such a great color combination, and yet I never seem to use them. Your quilt has inspired me to find some blue and white fabric and make a quilt. I also, can't wait for Ruby to come out. Boy, do I have plans....
Okay, deep breath, I went back and read the entire post(i think) favorite pillow was 'Spot On'. My favorite quit was the one you did in the Simplicity fabric...I'm a sucker of 3 Sisters fabric. I'm hoarding it myself. ;0
Really, Miss K, are you going for a ride in that jet plane?? Summer, summer fun. ;0
I love the Sugar Rush bag - can that be my pick even though it technically isn't a project from the book?! I'm drooling over the Ruby Layer Cake. So jealous!
I am torn between flower garden and garden party. They are both so fresh and happy!!!! I love the feel of spring in the both and think they would just be gorgeous to cuddle with during those chilly spring nights!!!!!
I've loved all the projects! And I'd love some RUBY!!
Love Ruby as all of there fabric lines. My favorite project would be the pillow pattern Spot On. Great giveaway.
I want some Ruby soo bad!! And I LOVE this project simplify series! So fun for you!
Hard to pick just one project from this book. Love them all. Camille always has such cute projects and wonderful fabric designs.
One of my favorites is "Spot On"!! I LOVE circular patterns!! By the way your "rocks" are awesome!! Back to the contest question, I ADORE "Sugar Rush".....especially on the tote you made for Camille!!
Lisa :)
The Happy-Go-Lucky pillow does rock! Love the 'stones' quilting - going back to watch the tutorial one more time. Thanks for this.
I've really enjoyed Project Simplify - I came over from Camille's blog and I ended up going back and reading your whole blog. I've got the book, but haven't made anything from it yet. I think my favorite is your Garden Party. It's not too complicated - looks like Thimble Blossoms Piece of Cake, which I have made - but it has those fun scallops, which I've never done before! I also really like the checkerboard pillow cover. Can't wait for Ruby to come out!
The Simplify book is wonderful. I can not pick a favorite because I think they are all great projects. Camille is an amazing talented quilter, designer, mother etc... I have made Coming Home and just started Sweet Pea. I have a Bliss jelly roll waiting to be used and I can not wait until the new Ruby line is introduced. Hopefully I will work thru the book as you did. Thanks
Such a hard decision! I reallllly like MOONLIGHT on Day 32. So soft and soothing.
I have the book and want to work my way through it as well, maybe this fall as I have a few other projects on the burner for the summer.
O my heck I can't believe you are giving away this gorgeous pillow to one of us lucky winners! Love love love it :) My favorite project so far is def. the last one you posted, the pillow with the pebbles. The colors and fabric and quilting compliment each other so well, it is really fantastic and should come live with me too ;-)
I have to say that I do love every project you have done so far. But if I had to choose which project is my would have to be the "Coming Home" quilt. And the choice of colors you used for the project was stunning.
Thanks for inspiring us everyday!
All your quilts have been amazing. If I have to choose it would be "Moonlight" from Roman Holliday. I have loved this line since it came out, your blue and white make it so pretty. Your posts have been a blessing to me, keeping me focused on quilting instead of buying. Your pillows are yummy. You putting yourself out there for us to learn has helped many of us to realize we can do it too. Thank You.
I love Coming Home and the fabric you made it with. I have Camille's book and have already made 2 quilts with Bliss. I can't wait for Ruby and would love a chance to own some early. I am really enjoying your adventure through Simplfy.
I have thoroughly enjoyed watching your progress as you worked your way through this book! So far I love you "Flower Garden" quilt....I think Iove the colors that you picked out the most!
You've made everything from Simplify beautifully, but I just love this Ruby pillowcover. I think I would redecorate my entire second bedroom around it! Keep up the good work and thanks for sharing.
So I really think you need to forget what your momma taught you about being fair and just send me the layer cake......;) I promise Camille said it was cool with her!
Lisa in Texas
I luv the midnight know the one made with Roman Holiday.
Lisa in Texas bad...Moonlight...not Midnight ;)
By far I love her quilt Dream Big. I bought her book primarily for that quilt pattern. She really is sweet and I am so impressed that she does this at home. This is a very sweet offer.
You are going to make me pick my fave thing you've made? I like all of them!! I think I love your Moonlight quilt, it's gorgeous. Thanks for such a nice giveaway :)
K you have been doing a great job so far. I have to say that this ruby pillow would have to be my favorite by far. i am in LOVE! BTW would die to get my hands on some of that ruby layer cake.
Thanks for the giveaway and congratulations on the amazing work you have done! Camille would be proud.
I love Dream Big and Happy Go Lucky. I am working on projects from this book also and would love the pillow or the fabric. Thanks for all your posts. I enjoy reading them each day.
I love this series! It is such an encouragement. I literally just started my first ever quilt, so I am enjoying seeing you work through this! I think my favorite so far is the one you named FLower Garden, because that fabric is so me. :-) But I love them all. Definitely added the book to my amazon wish list! And can't wait until Ruby is released either!
Seriously, "A" favorite. They are all wonderful and it's too hard to choose. But... I'll say Moonlight because it inspired me to make my husband a new quilt. Just found your blog and love, love, love it.
Hi Kristyne, what a great giveaway! Thank you (and your mum!) for sharing Ruby! That said, it is tough to name my favorite quilt/project so far, but since you're twisting my arm, I have to say 'Summer Day' the first one. I like the bright colors of the fabrics (hey, I'm a color kind of gal), and the design of the fabrics. 'Square one' will be my next Camille project, and because you did so well, I'm confident I can pull this one off as well :-). Have a great weekend! Cheers, Marja
I love the colours you used in Little Man and Spot On - they show how versatile these simple patterns are and how they showcase fabrics. Wouldn't Spot On be gorgeous in Ruby? I have been reading your project simplify with great interest as it is one of my favourite books as well.
Thanks for the opportunity to win. Crossing my fingers for the layer cake. I feel like a kid in a classroom shooting my hand up, hoping to catch the attention of the teacher!
I am following your lead with the quilt a long. I'm only one my third project, but so far square one is it. I made a "few" extra squares to make it king size! I love your Sugar Rush bag - scallops scare me! Thanks for such a generous give away - I would love to have either one. There's a fat quarter bundle of Ruby with my name on it. I can't wait!!
I've been enjoying following your Project Simplify posts and I love all the colors you've chosen. My favorites are Flower Garden & Moonlight, but I think Flower Garden wins with me. Thanks for posting your adventures!