Project Simplify - Giveaway Winner

Hello hello! Hope you had a great weekend. I'm still alive ... the Harrier mosquitos didn't quite suck me dry. ;)
Thank you so much to everyone who left a comment. I read every single one and I so enjoyed hearing which quilts you loved most. Seems like Moonlight and Flower Garden are the favorites. But so is the Sugar Rush bag - which I didn't even think anyone would mention - but you guys are so awesome to say! Thanks. ;)
Ok, here are the winners:
The "Little Ruby" pillow (cushion) cover goes to Lisa in Texas.
And the Ruby Layer Cake goes to Tami.
Congratulations ladies!
Tomorrow I've got something I've been DYING to share with you. I'll give you a hint. It's initials are FWQAL ...

Reader Comments (9)
Can I just say jealous? We were out of town so I missed out on this FABULOUS giveaway. Congrats to the winners...the pillow is my favorite so far...looking forward to seeing all of the rest of Camille's projects come to life!
OH NO!!!!! The farmer has seduced another upstanding woman to join his harem. Call the police! Lock up your wives and daughters! This is worse than the Hari Krishna cult.
Now THIS would be an apporpriate time to grab our pitchforks and our fire...where does that darn farmer live??!! We need Darth Vader and Tom Tom to help us.....Darth??!! DARTH??!! He's probably in a corner 'recalculating'. ;0
Congrats to you lucky ladies!!! A won't lie...I'm green with envy, but until I get me some of my own Ruby, I'll just have to sew vicariously through you! :)
Congrats to the very, very lucky winners! :)
Vivienne x
P.S. So glad the Harriers didn't get you. ;)
Congrats to the winners, I was really hoping to see my name there...oh well :) I ordered the FW book and am impatiently waiting for it to arrive. I can't wait to see what fabric you are using!!
Sadest face ever :(
... but congrats to those of you who won! :)
Oh no! You've been sucked in -- you need the 12-step program. Congratulations to your winners!!!
Congrats to the winner! But I´m sad that I didn´t win :-( Perhaps next time and I´m looking forward to your next project!
Just love this blog. You make me happy. Thanks for sharing!
greetings from Holland,