Wanna Tag-a-Long?

My adorable friend Amy of the equally adorable blog nanaCompany & I love making pretty things with fabric. We like the idea of making things that are useful AND recycleable. And I think we can all agree that things made are always more special than things bought. So we thought it would be fun to invite you to join us in making pretty gift tags for this holiday season.
In the upcoming weeks before Christmas, Amy & I will share with you our tags on Wednesdays in hopes that you'll be inspired to make/design your own gift tags for family & friends.
There aren't any rules. No schedule or commitment on your part whatsoever. For Amy & I, we've agreed to come up with 3 new tags every week - that's a total of 24 designs in all.
We both decided to stick to the "make do" approach and didn't buy any special supplies except for the eyelets (tiny grommets). I just raided my craft cupboard for "stuff" - pretty notions like ribbons & buttons, sequins & beads, lace & trim, bits & bobs ... you get the idea. This project needs to be easy and affordable!
There won't be patterns for our designs - sadly Amy & I don't have enough time to write them out. But we do have this free downloadable PDF with the tag shapes.
And I wrote a tutorial to show you how we make a basic tag. There's a link in my sidebar for future reference.
Amy also set up a Flickr group for our 2012 Holiday Tag-a-Long so please join in. We'd love for you to share your tags with everyone - the more the merrier!
For this first week I went with my favorite shabby Chirstmas colors ... pink & aqua ... of course.
I will always and forever love this traditional Christmas motif of holly berries & leaves.
I made mine with a few mismatched buttons - because I didn't have 3 exactly the same - and a bit of felt.
I stitched them on with embroidery floss, but you could just as easily use glue instead.
Mittens. On a string.
I may have been inspired by this recent craft project. ;)
I used fusible web for both the aqua rectangle and the mittens and then glued the ribbon & mittens in place.
This merry merry tag ended up being decorated with a bunch of stuff I found in my cupboards ...
... a scrap of oversized ricrac, a vintage rhinestone button and a bit of embroidery floss.
I used fusible web again for the pink & aqua fabric, machine appliqued them in place and then just used glue for the ricrac.
Now go check out Amy's tags. Seriously, you do NOT want to miss them!
Well? Are you inspired? Are you already digging thru your cupboards and drawers and storage bins looking for things to make your own tags? :)
And remember, for the next 3 weeks, Wednesday is Holiday Tag-a-Long day here and at nanaCompany. Can't wait to see what everyone comes up with!

Reader Comments (19)
Kyrstine, your tags and Amy's tags are absolutely adorable. What a great idea! I was looking for a crafty project to work on w/ my daughter and DIL, and I think I just found it!
Thanks for sharing.
Too sweet for words!!!! Thanks for sharing!!
Adorable! I'd be keeping those beauties forever.
Those tags are just gorgeous. So pretty!
So sweet! I love these!!
These tags are so cute1 Also thank you for the tutorial and PDF. I will for sure make some of these.
I love them! what a great idea for a 'special' gift! ;p
I love this!!! I had never thought of doing this!!! I will share doing this with the family. I an drooling over that Paris Flea Market fabric,I have a small piece left..Just look what you can do with tiny scraps!!!! This is just so creative,I love it so much! I so appreciate all your tips and the template page. This is just the best ever!! Thanks Kristyne and Amy!!!
Love these! Thanks for the inspiration.
Oh you clever girls! These are too cute!!!
You two are quite the dynamic duo! Love this! Thank you for sharing! xoxo
I love you and Amy, thanks for this great idea! I'll tag along. Hildy
adorable! What I want to know is where you got the beautiful ornaments that you photographed with the tags! =)
Count me IN Krystine! What a fun idea. I love Amy's blog too and really appreciate the time you busy moms are taking to be creative and inspire us to do the same. The mittens tag is so sweet. Mine will have to have a buttonhole at the top vs the eyelit. I will make do as well. Maybe use a few old pieces of broken jewerly/earrings I have in a box. Thx ladies. You are wonderful.
hey! I posted your tag-along on my fbook page. hope more people join. crafting is so soothing after a long day at work or with the kids. thx again. :)
Holy Sugary Sweetness, Batman!!! This may be your cutest project to date!!! I'm just going to sit and stare at them all day. And dream of them in some "Ruby". :)
Such a sweet idea! I so love stitched fabric tags and these are really adorable....love the delicious choice of colours :)
Helen x
These are absolutely adorable!! Love them!! xo Heather
I so hope you'll forgive me for this... because I love these tags. But, how do you use them? Do they have a "to" and "from" spot??? Or are they just decoration?