Farmer's Wife Quilt Along Week 39

Pink, Yellow & White
Don't these blocks say SUMMER?! I think sorbet & sunshine. :)
#57 - Morning
Oh yeah, this is a sunny summer morning if I EVER saw one!
I struggled with the yellow. The block in the book uses the same fabric for all the yellow pieces, but I wasn't jazzed about doing that. I toyed with using different colors, but then realized that I rarely use different prints of the same color in a block so I gave it a try. Love. Even the fussy cut center. In fact, I really like how the blocks look like sisters with one big & one small fussy cut floral.
#37 - Flower Pot
Every decision that went into this block was followed by the thought, "I don't know if this is gonna work". Yellow pot ... gamble. The large fussy cut for the pot ... gamble. Scrappy pinks in the flower ... gamble.
In the immortal words of Kenny Rogers, "You got to know when to hold 'em, know when to fold 'em! LOL!
O.m.g ... I just grabbed this video off YouTube and now my brain is spinning like a slot machine while I attempt to process that this song came out in 1978. Nineteen freakin' SEVENTY EIGHT!!!
I feel a chocolate emergency coming on ...

Reader Comments (22)
This combination is really vintage, somehow reminds me of the 30th and grandma kitchen. Don't you just see a woman in a pink-yellow apron before you? Love this combination!
Oh, how I love you FW blocks! I love them more than mine, so I guess I have FW envy. I look forward to seeing each and every post, and can't wait to see your quilt all together one day.
I love both of these blocks and have been following your progress with anticipation. I'm not much of a fan of the Farmer's Wife (mostly because it looks to tedious for me to ever do) but your blocks are just beautiful. Now you've added favourite colour!
I am not a fan of yellow...BUT...these are wonderful!!! You hit the nail on the head with these! I do see summer mornings when I look at these, and I agree completely with Hildy...this combination would make a GREAT vintage apron. I'm going to have to rethink my dislike of yellow. :)
Those blocks are stunning!
I love seeing your FW blocks - they're my favourites! Love the two yellow prints in one block, such a good idea!!
You should worry about the song being from 1978 - that's when my son was born!!
Love both blocks, especially the fussy cutting.
You are sooo corny - and I love it. Know when to hold em...... only you could put that into a sewing context! HAHA! Love it.
.....and I was a year old. ;-) hee hee (who is Kenny Rogers? JK!!!!)
LOL... chocolate emergency coming on... ok - I will go 911 with you, too.... and I LOVE your blocks -summer for sure - kind of like raspberry lemonade... I sure love the fabrics you used... and your fussy cutting is to die for.... I wish you had a shop and sold everything you make! But then I would be claiming bankruptcy....found a fat quarter bundle of lecien's flower sugar for sale and missed out on it - so sad... your quilt is going to be so drop dead gorgeous.... ok... now where is that chocolate.... since I graduated from high school in 1979, you took me back... way too far back... LOL :O)
Your piecing is unbelievably precise, your choice of fabrics is gorgeous, and those fussy cuts, well what can I say. I am so envious! Thanks so much for sharing with us.
p.s. Please write a quilt book...soon!
Love them. Love the yellow, and the flowers, and the...all of it. :D
1978, gosh I was.....well, I am old enough to remember 1978! I love your blocks, very pretty :-)
As always, your blocks are gorgeous! I'm SO going to have to get some of that Flower Sugar!
I love your blocks, I keep thinking I will buy this book. Are you using the templates by Marti , or are you making your own? The blocks are so beautiful, won't you be thrilled to see the qullt finally finished and on a bed for summer??
Your blocks are perfect! You really capture it each block,your fabric choices are perect! Oh yes,I remember The Gambler! Saw him perform in person singing that song!
I love, love, love these blocks! I can't wait to see your whole quilt together! You have such a great sense of color and design! Love your fussy cuts!
Your squares are definitely inspiring me to finally start this quilt... I have others in line but I think this one just moved to the front of the line!
don't you have all that chocolate milk in the fridge?....or did you use it for the mac? or is it gone too? or is it just that chocolate milk just isn't the same as real chocolate? ya, me too....i need the real stuff. like that sounds really good right now.
lovin the blocks, of course!
Love your choices of color and fabrics on these...would you show us what they all look like together so far? Just so I can drool! I just got the Pony club book recently and am toying with starting in on those...
Mmmm ! your blocks look like candies !! so yummy !!
It's ok! 1978 was a good year, I got married in '78 and the rest is history ... as they say..... I am so so sooo inspired by your farmers wife blocks I have now got some fresh bright fabrics in my stash and when I buy the book I'm starting it even though I have a few other quilts to make and a few cross-stitches and so on.... you know what I mean..... any-who thanks for the inspiration.....
gorgeous blocks, K. you really hit 'em out of the ballpark... xo amy