Farmer's Wife Quilt Along Week 42

Blue & White
I was just looking over my FW mosaics and I seem to be drawn to the blues. I don't know what is UP with that!
#51 - Hovering Birds
I am really really liking these blocks that have little bits of white in the middle. I like how they balance out my natural tendency to use white as the background ...
#53 - Jackknife
... like this one! LOL! Oh I am such a creature of habit.
But I love this blue print. It just reads as lace to me. And I love how the little blossoms remind me of embroidered lazy daisy flowers.


Reader Comments (22)
Lovely blocks!
gorgeous!! really love the print in the last block! what is it?
Beautiful color combination and lovely blocks1
Each new block you make is my new favorite!
How do you decide what fabrics to use for each block? I am intimidated about choosing fabrics since there are soooo many blocks to make. Since you are using a line of fabric, how much did you purchase so you will have enough to complete all the blocks?
SWOON!!! Even though I am admittedly partial to red quilting fabrics, (Why? I don't know.) blue and white are my absolutely favoritest colors together! As in, I could snuggle up in a quilt made of nothing but these blocks and colors every day. :)
Beautiful blocks! There is something so classic about blue and white.... just love it! Your piecing is PERFECTION! We need a tutorial on how to do it like you! Like you have nothing else to do right? Also - I have a mac question for you! I keep hearing about EQ and I have a Mac... I am under the impression that EQ doesn't work on a Mac and I am bummed... any suggestions?
Beautiful blocks - I love the fabric in the second one!
More gorgeous blocks!!
Beautiful! Blue is one of my favourite colours :)
I cannt wait for the finished quilt these are stunning, I have a proposal for your talents and wondered if you could email me ?
Hugs from over sea's
Vikki xxx
Lovely and yes, that blue is perfect.
Such happy little squares....... :-)
Beautiful blocks! They will looks just right along with the others!!! Your work is perfect.,
Crisp and cool beautiful fabric combos
Just love today's colours! :)
V x
Beautiful blocks! Those pieces look so tiny! Your colors are always so gorgeous. I loved the mosaic you did a bit ago. It makes me want to see your finished quilt sooner. Thanks for keeping us updated. K-
Pretty, pretty,pretty!
I love the blocks! Where can I find the patterns?
I just put borders on a BuggyBarn quilt top. It's all purples and whites.
I'd lice to win this as I would be creating something with colors that you use!!