Farmer's Wife Quilt Along Week 45

Gray & White
According to my nerdy chart, I'm still really behind with gray. So in the event I never catch up, I decided to do the backgrounds of both blocks gray instead of white.
#76 - Sawtooth
I always thought I was going to use a larger print on that nice big triangle ... but I just couldn't resist those little posies. Man are they ever cute!
#75 - Rosbud
Speaking of "Rosebud", have you seen the critically acclaimed movie "Citizen Kane"? My husband & I finally watched it a few years ago. We didn't get it ... you know, the whole "this is like one of the most totally awesomest movies ever made in the history of forever".
We much prefer watching things like "America's Funniest Home Videos". I laugh hysterically during the clips where people get scared/surprised.
Sorry. I've tried to cure myself of finding that sort of thing funny, especially since I don't like it when people scare me. I'm profoundly aware of my hypocracy.
But I just can't help it.
What make you laugh?

Reader Comments (20)
You Kristyne, but in a nice way, you know what I mean!! I'll stop digging now!
Thoses home videos are funny, It is strange how funny, people ending up in pain can be!!! ;)
V x
Love your blocks! And don't be afraid I don't get this best movie or best book thing either. I laugh about Ice Age, defintly not the best movie ever, but hey, there's Scrat in it;-) And I often laugh about my cats, nerdy as hell, but I love them (yes, I like to laugh about animals). Oh, and I often laugh about your stories (but I'm laughing WITH you not about you).
your blocks are lovely as usual. Are you using templates or foundation papers? I kind of struggle with the template thing, but my blocks are ok. thanks!
What makes me laugh? Like your first commenter said, you! You make me laugh! You must be the neatest IRL friend! Are you the life of the party? Do you always entertain when you're in a group? Or is it just online that you are so funny?
Anyhow, I couldn't see myself ever putting gray in a quilt block. That is until I saw your blocks! These are absolutely beautiful. I have about 20 things I want to get done before I tackle a FWQ (and I am very slow), but when I do, I know for sure I am using gray. Love your blocks today.
Marge, I hate to shatter your illusions, but I am NOT the life of the party. In real life I'm a little introverted. And when I try to socialize I usually end up with one or both feet in my mouth! LOL! I think that's why blogging is good for me. I can EDIT MYSELF VERY CAREFULLY!
I'm also not very spontaneously funny either. It seems my sense of humor takes a lot of thought. I think I'd be a very disappointing guest at a cocktail party. Think shy/insecure wallflower in the corner ...
But I LOVE knowing my blog makes you smile. Thank you. :)
They are adorable!! Love that fabric, I have a little stashed to be used for something special!!
Yay for gray!!! I can't help but be glad that you were behind in the gray blocks! Lucien sure knows how to do a pretty gray fabric. :)
What makes me laugh? Well, besides YOU? The Madagascar movies, my best girlfriends, Jim Gaffigan, staying up too late, and Hurley from LOST. :)
Love the gray!! Never gave it much thought until the last few years - it really looks nice with this collection! Your quilt is going to be a masterpiece! And... in answer to your question - what makes me laugh? YOU make me laugh. Hard. :O)
Oh, I love those grey blocks. Absolutely beautiful.
What makes me laugh? Oh dear, that tends to be whatever strikes my fancy. Helpful, no? I laugh at scary movies, at animals doing funny things, a silly joke, etc. There is a commercial lately that leaves me giggling like mad. No one else laughs while in the room with me but something about it just tickles my odd funny bone.
As an introvert, it takes time for me to giggle in public if I don't know many there. Otherwise at home, it's laughter most of the time.
Can't wait to see what your next blocks will be.
Both those grey blocks are beautiful, but I especially love the rosebud pattern. As for what makes me laugh - Just for Laughs Gags. Harmless fun! And British comedies. And the antics of my cats!
Your blog! You give me a good chortle every single time I read it. I didn't get CK either.
Hi Krystyne, love the grey such a great neutral against the brights, Have a look at todays block - there are rosebuds right?
Well, at the beginning Kane's loved his toboggan "Rosebud" which ended up in the furnace - this was his last word. Shows what is important in life can end up nowhere as rubbish, Does this help or did you already work that out?
British, Aussie and Foreign comedies and films........the list of actors & situations too long......
I have to obtain that fabric............
Now you have to promise not to tell anyone about this.....I mean it... not a soul... Once my friend and I were walking through town and we saw this young chap slip on a piece of toffee....I don't know if it was because it was a piece of toffee of what, but we both started laughing, we laughed till we cried and almost pee'd ourselves, we were hanging on to each other and just couldn't stop It probably wasn't funny to anyone else (especially the young chap) but we were hysterical....when I think about it now it's awful am I laughing at some slipping.... so please don't tell anyone else. ;-) Hugs
I love grey and pink together! They are a classic combination. My brother makes me laugh and like those reality shows his humour is usually based on reality! Not mean, just funny. Things like suggesting that bullets be replaced with popcorn, especially in countries where hunger is a problem -- the cost of popcorn is cheap and the bad guys who steal food shipments would still leave the popcorn on the battle fields and instead of cleaning up blood and guts people can walk around nibbling on popcorn... he says it much funnier tho...
I too have a laugh at someone else's expense when I watch those video programs about people falling over or being suprised. It is a mixed reaction and I hate what has happened to them and would also loathe it to happen to me but it is funny to look at. I know humour has helped me to get over things and is always a big relief to find something funny. In the Bible there is verse that says "a merry heart doeth good like medicine" I think humour is important. In the eye the squishy stuff that protects the eye is called "humour" and it protects and helps the eye to keep its shape and function. Maybe a sense of humour does the same thing for us. Keeps us sane? Otherwise we might be in big trouble when the impacts of life deflate us? I love your sense of humour and get a lot of encouragement from your words and ways.
p.s.Thanks to your list "rather than laundry" I discovered "Dottie Angel" another delightful blog and the lost art of belly laugh...feels good.
for a guaranteed laugh it has to be the Abbot and Costello sketch "Who's on First" and the other one with the arithmetic. I'll just go look that up and be right back...