It's All Just Smoke & Mirrors Over Here People

For those of you who think I never make mistakes when I sew and that all my projects turn out perfectly all the time - thank you so much for the compliment, but - let me present to you Exhibit A ...
Need clarification?
Exhibit B ... my new one.
See the difference?
I use my stitch ripper so much I've almost completely worn away the letters!
I only show you my work when it looks good ... AFTER I've fixed my screw-ups ... all smoke & mirrors, I assure you. ;)
Happy weekend everyone!

Reader Comments (8)
Now where would us bloggers be without smoke and mirrors!!!
Happy weekend Kristyne,
Vivienne x
I often (machine) stitch with my unpicker clamped between my teeth, that way it's right on hand when I need it but it does mean that after a while they get a tatty at the end!
That really good to know! BTW I never use a seam ripper ... really ... for sure ... I always use a 'normal' pin and pull the threads up ... I think that's neater;-)
Have a wonderful weekend, Hildy
Life is smoke and mirrors, eh? That's my view anyway. I admire the fact that you can locate the same seam ripper(or any tool) enough times to rub off the letters. For me, I can't find it when I need it so I own 4 of them...that's right FOUR OF THEM! And, I STILL have to look around to find it! ;p
We are having crazy spring weather here. Sunny and warm. I had to switch to summer pjs! Hope you thaw out soon. You Canucks need some good old fashion vitamin D!
:o) I just love you even more now! :O) hee! A kindred spirit for sure! Have a great weekend1
don't we all do that?
I feel better now,for two resons, first, I cannot find mine either ,and I have four or five,I finally gave hubster one to hold for those times, and I thought I was the only one who had to unsew!!! Love your wonderful ladies who hang out here and your blog!!!
Please SHOW us some of your screw ups. We will love you even more.