Farmer's Wife Quilt Along Week 48

Red, White & Pink
#13 Buckwheat
This block is gluten-free.
Gluten is a protein found in wheat, barley & rye and a host of lesser known grains. It is a virtual poison to those suffering from Celiac Disease and other "wheat" intolerances. If you or someone you know is Celiac - like my daughter - you will know that despite the name, "buckwheat" is a grain which happily is absent of gluten.
And buckwheat is not only gluten-free, it's delicious ... especially in the pancakes Daddy often makes for us on Saturday mornings.
So I love this block.
Because it's gluten-free.
#74 Ribbons
I wanted to make this block look like a twisted ribbon with two prints in the same color but different textures for both sides of the ribbon.
I love it.
Although I can't TELL you how many times I've tried to pick off this little strand of "thread" ...
which is actually part of the print! It's driving me crazy. I think I might find a red permanent marker to color it out.
In fact ...
Crap. Can't find one.
But I will!
'Cause I'm a little neurotic quirky that way.

Reader Comments (20)
Your blocks are lovely--as usual. Can't wait to see your whole quilt : )
haha! That does look a bit like a stray thread. Although I suppose when you put the blocks together it will be much less apparent. Great work as always!
Oh my goodness, I want to pick it off too!! Let me know if you can't find a red pen, I'll send you one.
Imagine, we suffer from the same two problems ~ OCD and sarcasm! ;)
V x
These may be my favorite blocks so far!
I just love these blocks, look forward to seeing the new ones every week.
Just how many are there altogether????
Yep a marker is the answer :)
Karen x
Love your blocks! I just imagine you sitting in front of your ribbons and trying to pull the thread;-) Hildy
the blocks are beautiful! yep, it does look like a thread...will send red pen immediately! ;p
Love these blocks. That *thread* would drive me nuts too.
I love your whole quilt, but after seeing the red, pink and white blocks, I think that maybe the whole quilt should have been done like that!!! You must almost be done your blocks??
I love seeing your progress on this quilt... And hurray for red, pink, and white!
Did you find your red sharpie? :O) That would bug me too! hee..... love the blocks - they are so happy - remind me of Valentine's Day! The buckwheat pancakes sound great - I have not tried to cook with buckwheat yet - any sources you like? Would LOVE to know daddy's recipe if he gives it out! ;O) This quilt is just going to be gorgeous! I can't pick a favorite block - each time I see a new set, they are my new faces... and man your piecing is to die for! Perfection!
I can't type.... above should read my new FAVES not new faces... hit send and saw it last minute... oy LOL
they are so pretty!! i am so behind on my blocks and really need to catch up!! i always love seeing yours!
Love the red my favourite colour, gluten free diets are a bit of a hassle just had some yummy sun dried tomato and spinach muffins that we're gluten free at a family breakfast to say good bye to my niece who is heading back to Calgary via Europe. The muffins were yum!
MARKER!!!!!!! That'd drive me nuts also
....and I adore these blocks :-)
It is a bit far from Australia to come over with some pens. And probably would be the wrong colour.!!
In ome way would like to leave the "thread" there to see how many people will try & pick it off when finished or just point to it. Have to have web-cam on.......What a tease.
Oh - love the blocks the red & pink go so well. Looking forward to the next blog...
That's some awesome piecing Woman!
thanks for explaining the gluten issue - I'd seen a number of blogs mentioning gluten-free recipes and kept meaning to look it up.
btw - I'd have had that marker out already! Love your blocks
More gorgeous blocks - have you found the red pen yet?!
good evening Your Neurotic Nuttiness :D
love the gluten free block. Hadn't thought about it before, but if you knitted you could make things in rice stitch.