Farmer's Wife Quilt Along Week 52

No, these are not actual FW blocks from the book.
I decided to showcase some of the larger prints in the Flower Sugar fabric collection I'm using. So I thought it would be good idea to fussy cut a few larger motifs and simply frame them.
I know ... they're not all that creative. But I think they'll look ok in the finished quilt. At least I'm hoping!


Reader Comments (22)
I think these turned out very nicely and what a good way to feature these lovely prints!
Could a Flower Sugar Block EVER look terrible? I think not. :)
I love your blog! I had to comment on your blocks featuring the Flower Sugar fabrics.
I love them too! I keep collecting them and wondering how to really show them off. I love what you did!
Actually I think they are gorgeous and deserve to be spotlighted! Nice job!
Never trust your instincts or think something is uninspired . These squares are charming and of course the fussy cutting is the right way to showcase beautiful fabric. Good job and do not be hard on yourself.
I like them!
Love them and I'm sure they'll look TDF in the finished quilt! Hildy
Do it! They will be just fine in the finished quilt. And it just makes me more positive that I need to order some of those Flower Sugar fabrics. They are lovely! My list gets longer every day: Flower Sugar, Marmalade, Vintage Modern, California Girl, etc, etc, etc!
I, for one, can't wait to see your quilt top put together!
You are WAY too hard on yourself. Those blocks are beautiful and you've done more farming then most wives. ;p
I think they are lovely blocks! What a great idea to fussy cut your pretty fabric. I think I will copy you, if you don't mind!
All of the handwork you've posted is gorgeous! Both of these blocks are quite lovely, expecially the lacy one. It looks like something you'd find in grandma's house. I only wish my best work looked as good as you worst!
Good idea! And if they don't work with the rest of your blocks when they are all sewn together, can you add them into a border?
I think they're gorgeous! And they'll surely fit in with your other lovely blocks.
So does this mean you're done? No more farming for you?
I'm inspired by your dedication farming away for a whole year! I made 2 blocks myself last night to try and ease my Farmer's Wife guilt!
"Lame and uninspiring"?!?! How about pretty, simple, elegant?!? You do absolutely lovely work and I am loving your blog, which I just found. You have inspired me already! :)
So pretty!! Such a great idea!! xo Heather
I think they will be the finishing touch to your quilt!! I cannot imagine me doing that many!!! They look jjust as lovely as always. So nice to find your post today,being it is Memorial Day in the States. Day ended just right.
Frankly, my dear, I can see a WHOLE QUILT made from those fussy cut blocks!!! They are so lovely.
your sweet fussy cut blocks are keepers! a hundred years from now, someone will point out that the print was soo gorgeous, the maker couldnt bear to cut, and showcased instead! brilliant!
I think those blocks are super cute and if you don't use them in the quilt you can use them in some pillows shams.
What a waste not to show odd the beauty of this fabric. I am sure all Farmer's wifes ae applauding you for using the fabric not the pattern Get so blinkered some time we don;t see what is staring us in the face.
Love these blocks but PLEASE don't 'wimp out this close to the finish line'!, not after your year of hard work, love & devotion you've put into this project, (easy for me to say, I never got far!) We're all here cheering you on & can't wait to see the finished quilt!!
That is lovely news, I really love the quilt its great!