I'm in Love

Remember these from waaaay back in April?
Here's what I turned them into.
Is it normal to be in love with something you make? Don't answer that. I don't care. Because I.LOVE.THIS.PURSE!
I don't know how else to say it.
The colors ...
The hexagons & triangles ...
Little embroidered knots ...
And I love how the quilting on the base turned out.
You with me now? Am I pardoned for loving it?
Have a great weekend!

Reader Comments (44)
It's beautiful, and definitely easy to fall hard for that purse :)
What a beautiful purse. Great job!
You make the most wonderfully beautiful things but this purse is TOTALLY amazing! I liked that you had it hanging because that's what I'd do with it - just hang it on the wall as art. I just can't seem to put into words how impressed I am. Bravo!!
I need that purse! Please send it to me. ;p
This purse is so beautiful. I love it too.
Oh my goodness,thankfully I checked your blog before the long weekend I did not get my uaual announcement. I am awestruck! Like,you really made that gougeous purse? I am wiping the drool off the keyboard,and those little knots..awesome design and execution as always,but beyond!!!! It is beyond perfection!!!! Again,a pattern please!!!! You have a very special talent for making unforgettable things!!! This purse is way over the top more beautiful than anything I have ever seen, fabric selections are perfect!!! Applause and high fives from this corner!!!! Now I can drool all weekend!!!
I love that purse, too!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes, you are pardoned! ;oD Gorgeous workmanship - I love how you used the paper piecing and the french knots - it's so pretty!!
You have no need to be pardoned for making such a beautiful purse and you should be proud of your accomplishments. We do, however, have a right to be a little jealous of your talents, but just a little bit, after all, it really is a stunning purse. May I post it on pinterest in my handbag section/? If not it is OK.
Wow! Your purse is absolutely beautiful. I have always been too scared to make anything with hexagons because I thought it was too hard, but I saw a demonstration at a craft show last week and realised it wasn't that hard so I bought some stuff to do it. I would love this bag to be my first hexagon project. Can I buy the pattern anywhere? Thanks for showing us!
My jaw literally dropped when I saw the purse. That's definitely a pretty in pink by hand" type of purse!!!! It's so hard to find purses that I like, and they are always so flimsily made and too expensive! I need to set aside some time to make one similar to that! Pattern, please.... purty paaaaahweeeeze?! ;-)
Oh I'm def in love with it too, irressitable!!!!!
Karen x
It's gorgeous and who wouldn't love it!!
You keep doing it, don't you? You keep proving that you really are the queen of the sexy rock-star quilting chicks! That purse is absolutely awesome!
WOW! Absoluetly gorgeous. Please, tell us where you got the pattern or if you're going to put out the pattern.
That is gorgeous!! Love your creativity!! Is this a pattern?
Ditto what everyone else said! You are pardoned. What a thing of beauty! Brava!
I know everyone has said it, but I also think this purse is gorgeous, beautiful work you do.
How did you sew the triangles to the hexies? Will there be a little tutorial coming? Because this is fantastic!!!
What pattern did you use? I love it!
Looooove it!! (said in high screechy oh so jealous voice!)
This is a fabulous purse! I am wanting it too, like many of the other women posting comments! Keep us the great work.
LOVE this purse and like others would like a pattern focus or a tutorial on how to do this awesome purse... makes me sad I paid for a Vera Bradley now... to think such a nice thing could be made is very PRETTY BY HAND! Kathi
It's been so long since I popped by to see what you have been creating and LOOK!!! That purse is so gorgeous and so beautifully made! As always, I feel totally useless by comparison! You are a genius xxx
This is absolutely beautiful! And, pink too. My favorite.
Ok, please, I must know... did you have a pattern? Is it your own design? Are you going to publish the pattern? Puleease!!! It's adorable!
Me again Kristyne,
Just a word about this post,it says itwas posted Aug 17 :5:5PM, and I just got it right now Aug 18,8:39 PM. I did see it yesterday! Jut so yuou know something is kinda slow on this..Love looking at that beautiful purse again,studying your design,wonderful!!!
Oh my...I love it, love it, love it too.. Its not normal if don't fall in love with things you make especially this nice! I love your sweet colours..
Beautiful purse and it's very you! Is it a pattern from somewhere or so you have a tutorial for us ... PLEASE;-) Have a wonderful weekend, Hildy
Everyone has said everything. About your wondrous purse.
The detail I like is the way you put the handles inside the purse so not to break the hexi/tri beauty.
This is just beautiful.......and all the other things people have said i agree just wonderful
i'm in love as well, its gorgeous and i'm so jealous, i want one.
That is the most beautiful purse i have ever seen. You need to submit it to a contest of some kind. I am speechless...
I love it too!!! hope we are looking at a pattern!!!
Love it, love it, love it! You have every right to be proud! Enjoy!
Absolutely love it! Please tell us how to make one!
K!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am seriously in awe!!! You know how I LOVE your designs, but this is jaw-dropping! The detailed work that went into this! The fabrics, the quilting, the little knots...I could just sit and sit and stare at this. You make the best bags in the business. I CANNOT wait to see lots and lots of Pretty By Hand Patterns! They ARE coming, right?! Pretty please!!!
Okay, this is another one for your list of patterns that you need to make (Along with your messanger bag!). PLLLLEEEEAAAASSSSEEEE?????
Wow... really, just wow. I would love to say I want to make that purse, but it would never turn out that good. Have you seen those websites that show the ideal project pictures from Pinterest and the result of someone trying to copy it and sarcastically underneath it says "Nailed it!". That would be me. But, I can just keep returning to look at your picture and think that it would be possible. I would at least buy the pattern if you were selling it. I love the little knots - it really added to it and they are so subtle! Perfect!
How beautiful... this bag makes me want to put on a floaty summer dress, sandals and the perfect hat, drop in a small handwork project, pick a bud from my mini rose, and go have tea with my grandmother. Since I have none of the above (except the rose and maybe the hat), I"ll take this inspiration and get back to some of my own passion-work. I want the feeling of being in love with something I've poured my being into, and I thank you for reminding me of how sweet that is. I miss it. So, absolutely, go ahead and be in love!
Simply beautiful! I would be in love with that purse, too!
I am in love with your pretty purse!! So beautiful!! xo Heather
Absolutely gorgeous!!
I just noticed that someone else asked the same question I have, but I will ask it again so you know others want to know. And, that is how did you join your hexies and triangles? I have fallen deeply in love with English Paper Piecing and your beautiful purse may have just put me ove the edge. You make things so quickly. I know some are able to sew them on their machine, but I am guessing you did not. Thanks for sharing, I always look forward to your posts, you never disappoint.