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A Little Tour of my Little Stitches

So.  My inspiration.  I talked about that yesterday.  But today I want to explain how I managed to narrow down the 100+ designs in Aneela Hoey's book to just 8.  Not an easy task!

I was looking thru all the ones I really loved and realized I was drawn to the designs that had some personal connection with me. 

Oh, and I should also mention I wanted all my embroidered blocks to finish at 2" so I adjusted some of the images with a photocopy machine to get the right size.


Tools of my trade.  And plus I'm a notions-a-holic.  I remember buying my first pretty plastic wheel of colorful glass headed pins.  I felt like such a grown-up!  I'd take all the pins out and rearrange them in many different orders.  I loved how small they were, how smooth they felt, how they glided so nicely in and out of the case.  Yep.  I love me some goooood notions all right!

Retro Sunglasses

I've had reading glasses since I was 15 and progressives (trifocals) since I was 30.  But I decided to stitch up my version of these glasses with hot pink thread.   Because some day I'm gonna rock the hell out of a pair of hot pink eyeglasses. 

One day I will be brave enough ... one day. 


I love this flower.  It is one of my all-time favorites, both for it's delicate structure and tiny bells. 

And fragrance.   Oops, that's three reasons. 


Cherry season just ended while I was working on this project.  And my husband stops at the farmer's market Friday afternoons so we've been gorging ourselves on bings and raniers these past several weekends.  (spit - burp - yum - repeat ...)

Nine Patch Sampler

Another obvious quilt reference. Which I totally adore with every fibre of my being.

Empire State Building

I was on the fence about this one.  It's taller than the other designs.  And it's ... well ... it's not ... you know ... "girly pretty".  At least that was my knee-jerk reaction.  Until it occurred to me that it was the perfect design to include in my project because I'm a city girl.  I've always lived in a big city.  And I even worked in a few skyscrapers.  (I miss the express elevator rides to the 44th floor.  But I don't miss the stockings.  Or the heels.  Or riding public transit.  Or sharing an office with someone who has terrible gas.)

Funny how the one design I was least attracted to at first has now become my FAVORITE of all the ones I've made.

Another funny - my husband came home late when I was stitching this up so I sat at the kitchen table working on it while he ate his dinner.  I usually have to present my work to him and say, "Look Honey!  See?  See what I made today?" (and he always very wisely tells me it's "really nice").  But I wasn't even finished this one and he unsolicitedly ... or should that be "without solicitation"? ... whatever ... commented how cool he thought my building was!  :)

Dragonfly & Scissors

These two patterns are among several additional designs that are included in the back of the book but not photographed.

The scissors are again an obvious choice.  (Which reminds me, mine have had a dull spot for like 15 years now ... prob'ly should go get them sharpened.)

But the dragonfly?  Omg, in't he just sooo cuuute?!  I ad libbed the stripes.  And I love his big little bug eyes.

I have met so many wonderful people through my blog.  One really sweet girl started reading my blog and leaving me comments under the alias "Little Blue Dragonfly".  We're friends now.  We even got to meet in person.  So this little guy is both a special hello to her (hi L!), and to remind me of the special connections I've made in this amazing, creative online community.

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Reader Comments (17)

I can't wait to see what you make with these little embroidered blocks......they are all so cute!

September 11, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterDana

I'm going to rock me some pink glasses one day to! I looked in the mirror yesterday and said, next time,, next time.. I'm stepping outside the box and not letting the little eye glass lady change my mind! Love you little dragon fly and the scissors!

September 11, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterLisa McGriff

Sweet, oh so very sweet.

September 11, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterLee

I do love your reasoning behind things Kristyne, the more obscure the better! ;)
V x

September 11, 2012 | Unregistered Commentergreenrabbitdesigns

So very sweet!! I need to get this book!! Have a great day! xo Heather

September 11, 2012 | Unregistered Commentervintage grey

It's very you to find a reason behnd all the embroideries you made, love your explainations! Is there a kitty in the book (I'm still waiting) or do I have to wait for another one;-) Hildy

September 11, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterHildy

Your choices are just darling! I'm anxious to see what you create with all these little gems!

September 11, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterHallie

Your posts are always so much fun to read! (I bet by the time you get to be my age, you will not hesitate to rock the hot pink glasses!) Can't wait to see how your little quilt is going to turn out - these stitcheries are adorable!

September 11, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterBari Jo

I so love it when you post.. esp personal stuff like why you chose those 8 our over over 100 choices! Can't wait to see why you had to limit yourself to 8... this is like a great book and we are all waiting for the sequel! Kathi

September 11, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterKathi

I LOVE that little blue dragonfly!!! You are the sweetest! And you are right...this is an amazing, creative online community. I learn SO much and get inspiration from so many wonderful and talented people. Thank you for your beautiful blog, Kristyne! You are loved! :) (And, oh boy, am I ever going to get this book. I NEED that dragonfly pattern!)

September 11, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterA Little Blue Dragonfly

Take the pink glasses leap! My only pair of glasses are pink plastic frames and I love them :)
PS I love your blog and I'm just starting the Alphabet sampler you did.

September 11, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterLaura

Wow! I'm just blown away with all of your choices, and the reasoning behind them ! You really inspire me.

September 11, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterMargaret Parks

How interesting!! Your connections are very insightful! Cannot wait to see how it all comes together! We all knoiw it will be worth waiting for!

September 11, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterBonnie Nyquist

Love the Empire State! But wait, something's missing... how about a little King Kong? Or a bagel? LOL

September 11, 2012 | Unregistered Commentergreg in ny

Your embroidery is so pretty! I just checked that book out from the library where I work, though I'm putting it on my to-buy list.

September 11, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterCindy

I particularly love your blog posts where you tell the stories behind each thing you chose - fabrics, embroidery designs :) My favourite block is the scissors - you can't beat a good pair of scissors. Looking forward to seeing how this turns out. xx

September 12, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterStacey

I love how you describe your choices. Can't wait to see what you're doing them.

September 12, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterDonna

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