S is for Stitch

Ok. (deep breath)
I have something to tell you. I've rewritten this announcement a bazillion times and there is no other way to say it except straight up.
Well, currently writing is more accurate.
Hmmm, no ... that's not right either. The actual writing part was done about 9 months ago. Now I'm at the final editing stage.
It's an embroidery book called "S is for Stitch - 52 Embroidered Alphabet Designs + Charming Projects for Little Ones".
I was going for a gentle, timeless sort of feel while I dreamed up the two alphabet-themed sets of little embroidery designs - one for a girl and one for a boy - and made them into two different quilts.
Wanna know how big those designs are? Each stitched object you see on the cover photo above is no bigger than 1.5".
To help you have even more fun with my stitchery designs, I give lots of ideas on how to make framed art for the nursery, apply the designs to premades (clothing, linens, etc.) and other cute stuff for kids.
All the stitches in the book are considered basic - nothing complicated. But I spent hours and hours making every design interesting to stitch. And pretty to look at. And - most importantly - appealing for children. My daughters, who were 7 & 9 at the time, served as my most excellent creative consultants. If I was stuck for an idea, they helped me out. If they didn't like something about a design, I changed it.
Truth be told, this book started out as not even a book, but simply as a way for me to pass the time while on a long holiday with my family a few years ago. I couldn't bring my sewing machine along, so I took all my embroidery supplies with me instead. I had absolutely zero design ideas while packing. No big plan. No grand ambition. Not even a blog. I just knew I would go banana nuts crazy if I couldn't keep my hands busy.
I came up with the girl alphabet collection and was simply going to make up a quilt for my girls to play with. But then something kept telling me to make a boy companion quilt. So I did. It was more of a personal challenge than anything else.
And now C&T Publishing is making my "just for fun" creations into an amazing Stash Book. (My hands feel all woozy as I type this.)
Even though it's still another 3 months until it comes out in December/January, Amazon already has it available for preorder ... (yes, I will be selling signed copies in my shop!) ... and word is spreading and ... well ... it just seems wrong to not say something about it.
Out loud.
To you.
So I am.
I feel like I've been pregnant with this book for a very long time. And I still have a few more months of waddling to go. But when the labour pains are over and the book is finally delivered, I promise I will share more about it with you.
Until then ...
Eeeeeeeeep! :)
PS: If you're going to be at Quilt Market next month in Houston, C&T Publishing has organized a book signing for me on Sunday 28th at noon. Please come by and say "hi". I'd really love to meet you!

Reader Comments (71)
YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SO excited to get my hands on a copy!!!!! I want it now! Will you be selling them through your site, too? Congrats - this is sooooo cute!!! Cannot wait to see it and looking forward to seeing how your project this week turned out! This is so much fun to see all your hard work in print!!!
You are a-ma-zing!!!!! Can't wait!
I knew it!!!!!!! Writing a book with little embroidery designs just seemed to be the next logical step for you! I can't wait to buy it!!!! Will you sell it on your site? I'd rather buy it from you than Amazon :) Maybe I can be your first customer on this, too!
This is very exciting news and I am so happy for you!!
WooHoo!!! Congratulations!!! Totally not what I expected, but so fabulous! Now I'm REALLY wishing I were going to market this time {BooHoo}. I'll be cheering from the sidelines. Very Fun!!!!
WOW. Good for you. I can't wait for it to be available. I am sure it is just full of all kinds of wonderful.
I'm doing a sit-down happy dance! I'm so excited, how am I going to wait until it's available to buy?!!!! Congratulations! xxx
This is just the best news,I am so excited for you.I will definitely say "hi".
Woohoo, I know an author!!!!!!!!!!!! Respect ! :)
Seriously though, well done Kristyne you clever girl, it looks amazing!
V x
I want you to know that I NEVER pre-order books. Seriously, I just wait untilt hey come out. But for the past few weeks I've been looking for more of an introductory stitching book, and yours looks like exactly what I want. Plus, I am totally gaga over tiny designs. I've gone and pre-ordered, and I can't wait!! Good luck with this sweet venture!
Congratulations! That's wonderful! I wish I could meet you in person at the Houston Quilt Festival, but they don't let lay people in for the Market. So sad. I'll be there Nov 1 & 2.
I'm so happy for your accomplishments! A book and a store to go along with your wonderful blog! So exciting for you and more wonderful inspirations for us!
Hooray! That is so exciting for you! Congratulations!!
Awesome!!!!!! Congratulations:) Pre-ordering......
I feel like I'm witness to a explosive new talent that will be the market a very long time! And I get to start my Kristyne stash at the beginning! Next up ... fabric design (right)?... I have to echo the sentiments about the Houston Quilt show. I plan to be there, but I can't get in with the special people. Can you tell us that you will offer your book on your Etsy shop and maybe even sign our copies as well?? Please?? All the best to you - from a current and future groupie!
Way to go! You have amazing taste and design talent!
I'm so happy for you!!! Sadly, I'm not going to be at Quilt Market but I know you would sign my book if I would be there, right?BTW my favorite design is the grey kitty, love you even more beause you design her;-) Hildy
Also wanted to thank you for getting me to spend a lot of money yesterday ... I saw a FQ bundle of Seaside Rose available on eBay and I had to get it. Perhaps it will be perfectly suited for your new book!
Hehehe!!! I was wondering when you were going to announce! Hooray! I am super psyched for you!!! Can't wait to start stitching up a new quilt for my new baby girl!
Woo hoo, congratulations! I'm with Hildy on this one - love the kitty! And the robot! And I, too, would like a signed copy. Will you offer them in your shop?
I don't think I even like to embroider, but I may have to test that theory.
Wow, it looks great, how amazing are you. I've only just got Little Stitches, so I had better get some of that stitched, to make room for another great book on my shelf!!!
I am so happy for you!!!!! Love your blog and read it daily. I am off to pre-order the book......can't wait to start stitching! I have to be honest - will most likely make my designs bigger or have to get new glasses!
Crazy exciting I will be one of the first to purchase this little gem. Thanks!
So cool! Congratulations!!!
Congratulations!!! How exciting! I can't wait to see your lovely book because I enjoy your blog and stitching so much. Yippee!
So over the moon happy for you!! Since I already pre-ordered mine through Amazon (before I knew you were going to sign copies and sell them here), I'm a little jealous! I may bug you for a signature later! lol. ;) Congrats again mama! Can't wait for the "birth" and my copy! :)
How exciting! Congratulations Kristyne. The cover of the book looks lovely.
Congratulations!!!! How exciting! I will definitely be keeping my eyes peeled for this :-)
Congratulations, patterns, now a book! YOU GO GIRL!!! Makes me smile to watch someone's dreams come true!
Thank you thank you thank you. I love this already. I still need to get little stitches, but I will and then I will wait, as patiently as I can for your book. Okay, maybe not so patiently.
Wonderful! Congratulations. :)
I don't have a blog, but I do read them, and I so look forward to your email that says you have posted! This is wonderful....Congratulations! Cannot wait to order my own copy.
Woohoo!! Your book looks great Kristyne, I bet it feels good to talk about it :)
Congratulations! That is really, really big news and really, really happy news!
eeeeeekness kristyne!!! I'm so excited for you! plus, i'm super happy that i'll also be at market so i can come visit you! YAY! for fun huh?
A dream come true! Congratulations!
Amazing. What wonderful news to hear from you. I hope you are happy dancing still about this.
Congrats! It will be a book to add to my shelf of goodness.
Yipee!!!! You go girl! First patterns and a shop, now a book?! You are amazing!
Wow!!! Just amazing ! I'm so excited for you ! Can't wait to get my hands on it !
How lovely! I'll be eager to see it! I found your blog a few months ago and just love seeing all the lovely things you make. Congratulations! What a wonderful accomplishment!
Congrats! so proud of you. This is bringing back such special memories to when I was first published. A book is so much work...but it doesn't feel like work, because you are doing what you love! Kristy
Oh,congratulations Kristyne! And to think we knew you from the beginning! Now,Ihave to find myself a little one to teach! Ours are older. Anxious to see more about the new book! First of many more I am sure!
Congratulations!!!! How exciting.
WoW!! Congratulations!! You go girl!! WoW!! Way to go!! You are such a talent!! Woo hoo!!
Is it possible that this is the absolute cutest little thing you've ever done??? I.LOVE.THIS. Bravo, Dear K!!! How exciting for you! I so wish I could sneak into Market! I can't wait to look through this book. I blame you entirely for my new found obsession with embroidery! Congrats! :)
hello i am so thrilled for you...i live in Perth Western Australia...will the book venture as far as this? i hope so...your blog is such an inspiration...i love it...your humour and your honesty and your sheer talent are just such a boost to my day...thank you so much for sharing of yourself so beautifully...
i wish you every success...you deserve it!
loads of love and happiness
Tanya Hughes
I think this is just terrific, I'm so thrilled for you. I love your work. I used to design and teach needlework so I know exactly what goes into a project and to think you have done a whole book! Love your quilting by the way.
That's fantastic Kristyne! I will wait and buy a signed copy of the book when they are available in your shop I think. Congratulations once again! The book looks great! Xx
Woo Hoo! (Been following your blog for a while, but this is the first time I've posted.) I usually just borrow books from the library, but think I am actually going to splurge and buy your book! I have five children, and five grandchildren with another one on the way. I'm already thinking of how these cute designs can be incorporated into, well, . . . just everything!! Love your blog and your sense of humor!
You are full of surprises! Congratulations!
After becoming a follower of you blog, this doesn't surprise me! Congratulations ! We are all looking forward to your imagination and elegance !!