Drug of Choice

So here's my latest supply of "prescription" fabric ...
Lecien's newest Flower Sugar collection.
You see, the grass is going to be brown and the trees bare in no time around these here parts, now that September just showed up. (sigh) So I needed a new batch of happy bright fabric to help me stave off the impending cold & dark winter blues.
Speaking of the blues, however, I really like THESE ones ... A LOT!
(Shh, please don't tell pink! I don't want to hurt her feelings, kay?)
Oh dear, now I'm personifying my fabric. One can only hope the cure for that is chocolate covered cheesecake!

Reader Comments (24)
I am in LOVE with the purples in this collection!!!! SO pretty!
I love those fabrics toooo, I have lusted for the previous line in the past.....
I hat fall tooo
every thing going from green to yellow to brown to dead....
I'm like that until the first snow fall. when everything turns white and clean!
Then my favorite season is on the way, SPRING!!
Take care, Leslie
Where did you get these wonderful new prints??? :) Oh, I may need some meds! hehe
There's a recipe for fabric? Girl, give me the prescription block ... and hopefully the healh insurance cover it! Hildy
They are so pretty!! I just bought some for my sweet stash! xo Heather
Oh,I need a refill on my perscription too! Oh my,how ,lovely!!! Could you please tell us where you buy yours, no shop in my area sells Lecien. So lovely!! Now,how can you cut this lovely stack of fabric????
I love the fabrics~
Those colors are to DIE for!! ;p Whatcha gonna make? ;p
I do love these.....such a great collection to inspire and thrill us!
Beautiful, beautiful fabrics. Someday I would love to have some of these!
Take two fat quarters and call me in the morning. ;-p
So, so pretty!
Oh, I'm drooling again!!! I gotta get some things made and get some fabric OUT of this room, so I can get those pretties INTO this room!!!!
Those fabrics are so beautiful! I want to know where you bought them also :)
Lovely fabrics can't wait to see what you make
Ohhhhh, the colours are stunning, can't wait to see what you make with them, and Imwant to see them "in person" I hope some shop somewhere gets them so that I can have a stroke - deep breath!!
Oh, wow! A feast for the eyes!!! :)
big swoony sigh.....
Just ordered some fabrics online and the pink Lecien happened to be one of them; it's so pretty.
Any chance you'll be creating a pattern for the cute pincushion (sort of log-cabinish) in some of the photos you've posted?
Hey Girly Girl -- I've been away and you've been BUSY! Congrats on your new venture. LOVE that honeybee bag!!!
Where did you get these? I love the purple one, but can't find it anywhere. help!
Can you please give me the full title of these BEAUTIFUL fabrics, I can then try to trace them here in the UK. Cant wait to see what you make with them, yes they are the strongest painkillers and I need them FAST !! Your blogs are the best thing every day it goes with a swing after I have read it daily?
Ann x