Wanda Gets a Long Overdue Makeover

I didn't get a chance to take pictures of my last strawberry crop yesterday. I promise them for Monday, kay? In the meantime, I have this to share ...
Remember my old friend, Wanda the Witch? She's been my Halloween tradition for about 20 years - ever since I first stitched her onto a Laura Ashley turtleneck.
Apparently I have friends who are good enough to tell it to me straight. After the last time I mentioned her, I was "informed" - under no uncertain terms - that Wanda was NOT to be worn again ... not even for just handing out Halloween candy.
Yes she's dated. I won't deny that. And she's not my style anymore. But I'm sentimentally attached and couldn't bring myself to part with her. So I put her back in my closet until last week when I was doing a little Spring cleaning. I decided now was as good a time as any to give poor Wanda a new lease on life ... as a cushion cover.
I can't tell you how excited I was to discover these errant layer cake leftovers of an older Fig Tree collection "Patisserie" - they're exactly what I need for this project.
Even the pink goes with Wanda's face.
I'm not sure what this cushion cover will look like. My first instinct was to do the standby, ever reliable patchwork of squares. But a wave of rebellion swept over me and now all I know is I DON'T want basic squares.
I think.
I dunno.
I might change my mind.
(And so the crippling indecision ensues.)
I also might add some embroidery.
Wanda has been very loyal all these years. I want to treat her right. ;)

Reader Comments (19)
No matter what you'll do have a wonderful weekend, Hildy
Some people have no taste!
V x
Liebe Grüße Annerose