Obsess Much?

Sigh. What can I say? I have no defense. I just needed to make more strawberry pincushions ...
... with these beautifully coordinating Lecien "Petit Fleur" prints.
Does that make me banana nuts crazy?
Hope not. But if it does, I'm cool with that.
I was working on these blossoms (used colonial knots for the centers this time instead of beads) while in the company of a few non-crafty friends.
We were laughing hysterically at how weird they thought I was to actually ENJOY cutting 25 tiny u-shaped petals out of felt and fashioning them into flowers and how weird I thought THEY were for not understanding how much fun it is. It was hilarious.
But I know you get me. You understand that it's fun to make strawberries out of fabric & felt. That's why you're here. And that's why I'm here too.
Who needs a defense when you have friends who get you?
So glad we understand each other. :)
Okay. I think I'm done with strawberry pincushions for the time being. Don't know what I'm going to do with all NINE of them, mind you.
But that's not really the point of this type of activity now, is it.
Again, I suggest this pattern for the strawberries, this tutorial for the flowers (I rounded my petals instead of making them pointy), and I stuffed mine with ground walnut shells. If you've never tried this stuffing for a pincushion, I highly recommend it. Ground walnut shells are available at pet stores - in the reptile bedding department.
I know. Gross. But worth it. Trust me.

Reader Comments (31)
V x
Sorry your friends are missing all the fun.
Take care,
I use the crushed walnut shells as well for all of my pincushions. Very sweet those are and I totally get it!
Perhaps you can use them as gifts for your daugthers friends? Because I'm sure they'll get it;-) Hildy
Thanks for sharing your adorable craft with us and giving us the "strawberry bug"....he he.
Best Wishes and Happy Crafting,
Granny B.
My friends don't get it either, and unfortunately I live in a town where people don't buy handmade, but I still enjoy doing all kind of little felt hearts, lavender bags and anything that can cheer me up.
Dana xx
You know those little berries alongside the tomato pin cushions we see everywhere? Apparently, they are stuffed with walnut shells and are to be used to sharpen the needles. Who knew?! I also heard about Flax seeds doing the same thing and made some drum shaped pin cushions stuffed with those. Tedious little critters as they are full of static...
BTW, love that bee bag - adorable!