Daisychain Sampler "N"

I feel so guilty having neglected my sweet little Sampler! Aye yay YAY! Thank you Sue Anne for the little nudge. ;)
It's not like me to leave something that I love so much alone. But I think it's because I'm taking so many "in progress" pictures of each letter. I literally have to perch in the livingroom next to my makeshift "photo studio" (THAT is a laughable description!), and hop up every 5 minutes or so to take a photo. Plus I need to do it during the day for good lighting so I can't stitch this up in front of the tv in the evening - my favorite time to stitch.
But enough whining and complaining. Here comes "N".
Wait, I take that back ... a little more complaining. See, I'm not a big fan of the backstitch. I like it more than the satin stitch, but ... it just gives me and my uneven stitches away. I MUCH prefer the stem stitch, which totally hides any little uneven-ness.
I know, you're probably wondering why. It's practically the easiest, most basic stitch of them all. I'm no staticis statiticitia statis ... BLAH! ... expert on statistics, but I bet it's in the top 5 of the most common embroidery stitches ... maybe even top 3 ... (maybe even #1 ... but I feel super nervous about saying something that bold and daring without something more than a hunch to back it up!)
It's just that I like to stitch fast and I can't do this stitch fast AND well. I can EITHER do it fast OR well. Guess which one I choose ...
And now to my FAVORITE ... the Colonial Knot.
Have you guys tried it yet?
Have I converted anyone from the French to the Colonial Knot?
I'm not just sitting here stitching & blogging for the fun of it, ya know.
Oh wait, YES I AM!!!! LOL!

Reader Comments (23)
Stop complaining about your backstitch, it's wonderful! I love your 'N'1
Yes the Colonial knot rules! Love your sampler : )
The sampler is coming along beautifully! The best part? I hope to see it in person when it's done. Yah!
Beautiful N
I swear, I have tried the colonial knot several times, and major FAIL. I have been doing French knots for 40 years, so is it OK if I don't change now?
I've never heard of a colonial knot, but I love french knots, so I will definitely check it out.
As I've been watching your progress on the sampler I've fsllen more in love with it every time. I finally ordered it and I can't wait to begin. Thank you for the inspiration!
You're so funny! I can't believe I was the only one complaining about your lack of blogging over this beautiful sampler. I was dying to see the N and every other letter to follow. What could be next? Oh, N O -- I can't wait! Please don't let it be so long next time. I'm ordering this sampler right now. And, your backstitch is beautiful. I, too, find it so difficult to make the stitches even, and I promise to try the colonial knot.
I think you did a very good job with your back stitch. I guess I knew their was a difference between French knot and Colonial knot, but I never thought to try the Colonial. thanks for the link to the tutorial. I'll try it tonight.
What a splendid 'N' it is too, Colonial knots and all! :)
V x
I love your N!! I much prefer colonial knots to French knots - they sit so much better on the fabric and are very addictive! Have you seen the colonial knot cushions by Sandie Lush? http://wholeclothquilts.biz/shop/category_21/Colonial-Cushion-Designs.html?shop_param=cid%3D%26
I'm so glad you posted this. Having three little guys calling, screaming, crying, etc all day long, I often have thought of your lovely sampler in a spare moment and wondered how it was going. Your blog is my sweet escape from my male dominated world :-) The "N" is lovely and I'm so glad you're still working on the sampler, I'm not a big embroidery person (will you convert me?!?) but - I've really missed it.
I love your samplers. I've wanted to attempt one, but where does one start? Do you have any suggestions as to where to go for beginners so that I can end up being an amazing sampler-princess like you?? :)
Thank you!
It's funny that just a few days ago I was wondering what happened to your alphabet.....you had done so many FW blocks, but I was missing your beautiful embroidery. Glad to see your "N" -- beautiful job as always!
What a terrific lot of neat back stitches well done
Wonderful to see that Alphabet Sampler again! Your stitches are perfect,and I converted to that Colonial know a few years ago,I don't know why everyone doesn't do it now.
I would love an embroidery tutorial on your stitches, that "N" would throw me. I know you have used it in other letters also. I also love how you mark your pattern with dots,I was taught to just draw a line,yours is better!
Thank you for a delightful blog!!
I am not changing over. I can do a French knot and let's just leave it at that. I am on the letter F. I resisted this cute sampler until 3 weeks ago. You convinced me I loved it as much as I thought I did. Thank you.
LOL... I forgot about your colonial knot - need to try it for sure! I like the way it looks all neat and tidy and not wibbling around the place like my french knots do... thanks for the wonderful link - I love her video tutorials - they are wonderful! Your 'N' is wonderful too! I think you back stitching is PERFECT! Everything you do my dear is perfection!
Ditto Bari Jo! I don't like the back stitch either. But the stem stitch RULES! Hope you saw my question re the Mystery BOM. Sure would like to know what you're using for the vertical sashing if you're using the pink strawberries for the borders. Strawberry Fields is getting harder and harder to find. Thank goodness for the internet!
I, too, was wondering about your sampler. I have been stitching along with you, Kristyne, and my sampler has been sitting idle at my stitching table for a VERY LONG TIME. Seeing your beautiful stitching inspires me to do my very best work (which isn't anywhere near close to yours).
ANYWAY, gorgeous work as always! :)
I'm with you -- not a big fan of the backstitch. It's SO popular right now though. I MUCH prefer the running stitch. You've passed the halfway point on your sampler -- woohoo!
Your stitching looks perfect! I switched to colonial knots years ago.
you can get round tighter corners with back stitch than with stem.
yes, I tried the colonial knot, it's the eye of a sheep and a birdie right now. wurks.
.Where can I buy the patterns for same.
Thank you.