Mystery Block of the Month 9

I do NOT know what was UP with me for this block ...
I think I messed up on at least half of the outside points!
(Designed by the HILARIOUS sister team of Barbara Groves & Mary Jacobson!)
Although now that I think about it, I was sewing this block on a Saturday nite when hubby and the kids were out, leaving me with several unadulterated hours of freedom!
So I may have had a beer with my leftover chili supper (which I zapped in the microwave and then ate standing up in my sewingroom while I stared at my WIP) ... guess I shouldn't drink & sew! LOL! Mind you, I really shouldn't drink and do ANYTHING!
Anyhow, here's another group shot.
Only 3 blocks left! Eeeeep!
Has anyone else started working on the finishing kit yet? I think I'm gonna start on all the flower stems ...

Reader Comments (21)
Drinking while sewing? We all do this form time to time;-) And if I look at this block, believe I would also drink a glass of wine first (no beer for me, hate it). It looks like a tough cookie with all the pointies outside! What suprises me how yellow and not pink this quilt look so far. Btw my favorite is the 4th block because of the pink strawberries in the middle;-)
Finishing kit? Completing Block One would be a good start for me!
I'm on block 5...and definitely haven't started the finishing kit. You're inspiring me to pull it out!
I'm sorry you had such a hard time with this block, because I love this one! The symmetry and lines in this block make my eyes sing! Beautiful! :)
You are, by far, the most accurate piecer I have ever seen. So if you think your points are off, they must be --- by about a milimeter! Cut yourself some slack girl (of course then you might be accused of being a piecer like me!).
I love this block. Very beautiful. And the collection of blocks looks great. As for drinking and sewing (or anything else), I'm the same way. Have a drink. Enjoy it. And I'm done. Tackling just about anything after that is only bound to result in disaster.
Lookin' good! Makes me want to get going on this one too. I think I'm on block 5. They are fun. I am expecting the new Mystery BOM to arrive any day now :/
Yes!! I've got all the "joining bits" ready, but haven't started putting anything together yet, in case I want to fiddle with the layout. I live in South Africa and my Block 9 went missing in the post - FQS have very kindly sent me another one and I'm waiting impatiently for it to arrive!! Love your blog and all its prettiness, have been lurking here for a while. Thanks for all the inspiration
It's a stunning block - and the points look fine from here!!
OH KRISTYNE!! It's beautiful!! Just beautiful! Yay!! Free time to sew with no munchkins to attend to! I can't drink and do ANYTHING. Really, I'm that bad. Ask my friends...they were there to witness my giggling after drinking one glass of wine. Sad but true.
Anywho, LOVE the BOM.
OK, this is just so beautiful I can hardly stand it! Made my day better just looking at it!
Such amazing work you do!!! I love this quilt - wish I would have signed up for it! I did sign up for their 2008 (ish) BOM and have yet to start THAT ... I need to get going so I can 'allow' myself to sign up for another - they do GREAT kits - love how they package everything and make it soooo easy - I love how yours is coming together - I really should have signed up! Thanks for sharing all the wonderful eye candy! Sorry you can't drink and sew... I can't hardly keep things lined up without the drink... ha - maybe I should try it your way next time! ;oD
Well, now you're ahead of me AGAIN! I had to change my VISA number because of fraud so #9 isn't even here yet. I'll bang it out when it comes though. Gotta keep up w/you! Yes, outside points are TOUGH! I struggle too. While they look great, we need that 1/4" seam allowance around the edge so we don't have to "sew off" the points. ARGH! Has happened many a time to me. FYI - when one of my BOM's that had mucho outside points was all finished, I didn't notice the ones w/cut off points as much as i thought I would. Take heart and have another beer. ;-) Don't know why I said that, I don't even drink. You are the best chortle of my day.
Maybe you see a problem but I look at it as beautiful. Thanks for sharing.,
Your #9 block and all of them are just gorgeous! The colors are so soft, I love this line. Your points and seam allowances look great from here. A teacher at my LQS says " If you're on a galloping horse riding by, would you see it?" hehe. But I know myself, if something bothers you, better fix it or your eyes will always go to that spot. Can't wait to see the next blocks.
They look great all together! I sometimes do late-night pinning with a glass of Shiraz nearby... gotta watch out because those red grapes would never wash of this fabric. (I'm actually pinning blocks in a hotel room right now, and there's a choco chip cookie watching me...might need to eat it soon). I haven't started on the finishing stems yet. I want to see how all the blocks look together berfore cutting into the finishing kit.
I love not only this one but all of them. Thanks for the inspiration. I read your blog everyday.
Looks wonderful to me!
I tried mixing margaritas with hanging (plaid!) wallpaper once. It did not turn out well!
Okay, so I've been drooling over the blocks. What is this "mystery block" thingy? Can someone get in on it or is it too late?
That block is really gorgeous -- I have never seen one like that before, a new design? I love your set of blocks all together, but I am not following along on this BOM, so will continue to watch your progress and the final quilt!
I really love these blocks, Just found this site please tell me how I can get these. thanks pam